Showing posts with label Linkfest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Linkfest. Show all posts

Friday, January 04, 2013

Larwyn's Linx: Mark Levin--This is not America; it is longer a Constitutional Republic.

Send us tips! Bloggers: install a Larwyn's Linx widget. Get real-time news, 24/7, at BadBlue.


Mark Levin: America is longer a Constitutional Republic: Scoop
Harry Reid's filibuster plan and the Supreme Court: Exam
Snap Out of It, Patriots: Marcus

Boehner Reelected Speaker: Events
Calling Ceasefire on the Boehner Bashing: CDN
Inside the Conservative Rebellion Against Boehner: Breitbart

Should we ban assault hammers?: Q&O
IL Dems advance radical gun control bills: Fox
Dianne Feinstein Scales the Highest Peak of Hypocrisy: MB


And now the “rich” will pay…: Q&O
Subsidizing Stupidity: RSM
Obamacare-wary employers not hiring, cutting hours: Greenroom

How to Reduce the Debt Burden for Future Generations: American
Thank Bipartisan Committee Work for Corporate Welfare in Tax Bill: RS
Maxine Waters: We Need To Keep Raising Taxes On The Rich: WZ

Scandal Central

DHS: Congressional Oversight Remains Broken: Foundry
Did The DHS Just Award An Ammunition Contract To A Shell Corporation?: PrepperPodcast
Biden to Female Senator: Spread Your Legs, You're Going to Be Frisked: Blaze

Climate & Energy

AGW Bombshell? New paper may debunk human-caused warming: Watts
Fracking is Safe, Says New York State Health Department: Reason
EPA Rejects Arizona Haze Plan: CEI


The 20 Most Annoying Liberals of 2012 (10th Annual): RWN
A Treasury of Quotes About Our 2nd Amendment: Kuznicki
FBI: More People Killed with Hammers, Clubs Each Year Than Rifles: FoxNation

Mark Levin slams ‘Crispy Cream Christie’ and Peter King over pork in Hurricane Sandy bill: Scoop
Alternate Headline for Current TV Deal: RSM
If I Were The Speaker Of The House: Boortz

Fred Barnes Almost Figures Out Who Barack Obama Really Is: Tatler
I Want My Al-TV, part 1: MOTUS
Rush: I’m stunned that the GOP still doesn’t understand who they are dealing with: Scoop


Egyptian magazine boasts that Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated Obama Administration: JihadWatch
Report: Syria fitting fighters with chemical weapons: DefTech
UK Textbook Wipes Israel Off the Map: Gatestone

Terror TV Pays Al Gore $100 Million for U.S. Media Access: AIM
Morsi on Israel, 2010: "these blood-suckers... these warmongers, the descendants of apes and pigs": Commentator
O’Reilly Blasts Al Gore for Allegedly Dodging Tax Hike in Al Jazeera TV Sale: Blaze

Sci-Tech (courtesy

The day Steve Jobs called AT&T for help with the iPhone’s radios: 9to5mac
Murder by Internet: IID
Twitter Now Valued At ‘More Than $11 Billion’, Eyes 2014 IPO: MediaBistro


Top Ten Things That Didn't Happen in 2012: Cube
Classifying a Shape: Schneier
Homeless veterans rescue Ohio robbery victim: ArmyTimes

Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: StrategyPage

QOTD: "Judicial Watch announced today that it has received documents from the U.S. State Department indicating that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was aware on September 27, 2001, that Anwar al-Aulaqi, the U.S. born terrorist assassinated by a U.S. drone in Yemen on September 30, 2011, had purchased airplane tickets for three of the 9/11 terrorist hijackers, including mastermind Mohammed Atta. Subsequent to the FBI’s discovery, al-Aulaqi was detained and released by authorities at least twice and had been invited to dine at the Pentagon." --Judicial Watch

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Larwyn's Linx: Kicking the Can Over the Cliff

Send us tips! Bloggers: install a Larwyn's Linx widget. Get real-time news, 24/7, at BadBlue.


Kicking the Can Over the Cliff: Taki's Mag
House Speaker Boehner Votes for Obama’s Marxism: AIM
Dem Cronies: How corporate tax credits got in the 'cliff' deal: Carney

2013: Welcome to Very, Very Scary Times: Hanson
There Will Not Be a Rebellion: Sensing
A Big Thank-You To Pat Toomey: HayRide

Is There Really a Difference Anymore?: RS
ISSA Finally Says It Like It Is: Denninger
Tea Party New Year's Resolution: Destroy RINO Establishment: AWD

‘House GOP in Disarray’ Isn’t Just Liberal Media Spin: RS
A Bad Deal Beats a Calamitous Outcome: Wehner
Ted Cruz Vows to Lead Opposition to Feinstein’s Gun-Grab Bill: RSM


Obama Returns to Hawaii at an Added Cost of Over $3 Million: Dossier
Obama Already Getting Flak for the Payroll Tax Hike: Geraghty
77% of American Households Will See Higher Taxes: Bloomberg

Game Theory And The Unfixable Fiscal Situation: ZH
Buy iPads With Food Stamps!: MB
Moody’s Warns of US Credit Downgrade, Citing Lack of Deficit Reduction: Sooper

Scandal Central

BENGHAZI: Obama Lied About Video 3 Days After CIA Eyewitnesses Confirmed No Protest There: CNS
Senators Got 154-Page 'Fiscal Cliff' Bill 3 Minutes Before Voting on It: CNS
Worst 2012 lawsuits argue for 2013 reforms: Exam

Climate & Energy

"Forget global warming, Alaska is headed for an ice age": Alaska Dispatch


The Journal News Gets Guns after Aiding and Abetting Criminals: Loudon
To say that Republicans in Congress folded like a cheap suit is an insult to cheap suits: LI
2013: The culmination of Fascist America: WyBlog

Skin In the Game: Al Gore Sold Current TV Before January 1st to Save Taxes!: Sooper
Lateral Move: Driscoll
Al Sharpton Calls for Knife Control Alongside Gun Restrictions: NB

Two Bloodshot Eyes In One: Driscoll
Once More Unto the Cliff, Dear Friends: RWN
Shocker: Debbie Wasserman McLiar Pants messes up another TV interview: RedAlert


DEFENDING DEFENSE: Don’t Just Delay Defense Sequestration—Stop It: Foundry
The consequences of Gun Control on display in Great Britain: Stacy
What is Fatah celebrating today?: Glick

Institute for Policy Studies “fesses up” to 50 Years of Hard Core Subversion: Loudon
Iran to Citizens: Flee Isfahan: Beacon
No one wants used up peace fantasies: Hayom

Sci-Tech (courtesy

Kia announces Google Maps integration for new car models: Slashgear
What The Tech World Looks Like To A Teen: BuzzFeed
IE zero-day used in targeted watering hole attacks: NetSec


Bad Inventions: Coulter
No-Gym Workout: Sensing
The 50 Best, Most Notable, & Most Controversial Posts From John Hawkins In 2012: RWN

Image: Al Gore Sold Current TV Before January 1st to Save Taxes
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: ACTION: IL Senate President Ramming Through Total Gun Ban Bill

QOTD: "If you oppose taxing the lifeblood out of the people until their bodies are dried-up like beef jerky, well, you’re obviously a racist. Not that there’s any correlation. There doesn’t need to be a correlation in a world where feelings trump facts.

So quit hatin’, y’all! Let some air in this room! Raise that debt ceiling! Raise it so high we can’t even see it anymore! Let the clouds roll over our eyes and forever obscure the bad, evil, hateful truth for us! Let us pretend that the iron mallet of Western imperialist mathematics won’t strike us in the head! Let us hold hands, regardless of race, creed, gender, or sexuality, and pretend that math doesn’t exist! Math is for people who don’t like gay marriage and transgendered three-legged hamsters! Math is an illusion, and our feelings are the only things that are real!" --Taki's Magazine

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Larwyn's Linx: When In The Course Of Human Events...

Send us tips! Bloggers: install a Larwyn's Linx widget. Get real-time news, 24/7, at BadBlue.


When In The Course Of Human Events...: Denninger
Senate Tax Bill Passes House: Ace
Something funny happened on the way to tyranny: Owens

Obama's Tax Evaders of the Year: Malkin
We already gave up on the Constitution: DC
US Marine Pens Viral Letter to Anti-Gun Sen. Feinstein: GWP

Why the 2nd Amendment: Williams
Obama's Leadership Failure: Samuelson
72-hour disclosure rule, R.I.P.: Twitchy


Senate Bill Is $600 Billion Tax Hike: Foundry
Obama's 'messianism' makes economy a secondary concern: York
Hey House Republicans, Here’s What Obama is Saying Today: RS

Deficit 'fiscal cliff' bill actually spends $330 billion more: Times
President rejects his bipartisan commission: Mankiw
Each year taxpayers fund more single-parent families: ¡No Pasarán!

Obama Deal Adds $4 Trillion to Debt Over 10 Years: Mish
President Obama Hails 'Cliff' Deal, Warns of Next Fiscal Fight: ABC
Texas Judge Rules State Can De-Fund Planned Parenthood: LifeNews

Scandal Central

Make America (And Congress) Pay Their Bills; Stop Congress From 'Fixing' Their Financial Mess: Strata
Senate passes massive tax cut which raised taxes over $600 billion in middle of night without reading the bill: LI
Congress approves fiscal crisis bill: Fox

Climate & Energy

The age old battle of the thermostat – the ‘Goredian’ Knot of global temperature: Watts
No Regulation? No Problem: Stossel


You Have Been Drafted: TL in Exile
Ready to Face a Gunfight, Armed With a Slingshot?: DC
Gallup: Record number of Americans oppose handgun ban: HySci

Allen West Calls Senate ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Compromise “Illogical and Disrespectful” To Americans: Shark Tank
NYT Op-Ed: Let's Give Up On The Constitution: Wolf Howling
Professor calls for abolition of Constitution: CDN

Irony: New York Paper That Revealed Legal Gun Owners Hires Armed Security: WZ
Group claims hacked subscriber database of NY newspaper which published gun permit map: LI
Sources: Enough Republicans Willing to Unseat Speaker Boehner: Breitbart


The smoke screen has lifted. Sen. John Kerry officially nominated for Secretary of State.: Loudon
More on the Links between Obama and Saddam Hussein: Pipes
France: 1,200 Cars Burned; Police Attacked Over New Years: Atlas

Sci-Tech (courtesy

Teen Solves Quantum Entanglement Problem for Fun: Wired
Armed robbers hit Paris Opera Apple Store, initial reports put heist at over $1.3M: 9to5Mac
Windows 8 Even Less Popular Than Vista: Slashdot


How class warfare weakens America: Ryan
Happy New Year, 2013: MOTUS
'Oompa Loompas' sought by police over Norwich assault: BBC

Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: 90 Miles From Tyranny

QOTD: "The "fiscal cliff" is a massive failure of presidential leadership. The tedious and technical negotiations are but a subplot in a larger drama. Government can no longer fulfill all the promises it has made to various constituencies. Some promises will be reduced or disavowed. Which ones? Why? Only the president can pose these questions in a way that starts a national conversation over the choices to be made, but doing so requires the president to tell people things they don't want to hear. That's his job: to help Americans face unavoidable, if unpleasant, realities. Barack Obama has refused to play this role.

Instead, he has cast the long-term budget problem as a question of whether the richest 1 percent or 2 percent of the population should pay more in taxes. Not only that, but he has insisted that the higher taxes be paid by raising rates, as opposed to reducing various tax breaks (deductions, exemptions, preferential rates) enjoyed heavily by upscale Americans. The obsession with rates is bad policy (higher rates may threaten risk-taking, work effort and hiring) but qualifies as good politics: It signals Obama's macho; he's tough on the rich, who are implicitly blamed for the nation's budget and economic woes...

...Of course, Obama would offend many Democrats if he entertained benefit cuts in Social Security and Medicare: higher eligibility ages, higher premiums for affluent elderly, structural changes in the health-care system to reduce costs. Just as many Republicans don't want taxes raised a penny, many Democrats don't want benefits cut a penny...

...Unfortunately, much of the media have accepted the Obama narrative that it's only Republican rigidity that frustrates negotiations and leads to deadlock. This means, of course, that there's even less incentive for Obama and congressional Democrats to engage in genuine bargaining.

The result is that we're not getting the debate we deserve and that budget choices are being made mainly by default. Just as important, the periodic, ugly confrontations over budget policy -- the paralysis and bitterness they involve -- corrode confidence and weaken the economy. A weak economy creates few new jobs, and the lack of jobs is the nation's No. 1 social problem. Obama's abdication of responsibility may be in his political self-interest, but it is profoundly hostile to the national interest." --Robert J. Samuelson

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Larwyn's Linx: Obama Seizes Control of the US Military – Cataclysm Ahead

Send us tips! Bloggers: install a Larwyn's Linx widget. Get real-time news, 24/7, at BadBlue.


Obama Seizes Control of the US Military – Cataclysm Ahead: Loudon
The Freedom Cliff: FPM
Gun Grabbers Gone Wild: Blumer

Happy New Year?: Sowell
Gun grabbers: How extreme?: Q&O
Pravda Columnist: Americans never give up your guns: Mishin

Resolve to Conquer or Die: Norris
Chicago:Obamaland Reports 500 Homicides (So Far) This Year: RSM
Levin: Welcome to representative, constitutional government--Not!: Scoop


Senate passes Obama’s fiscal cliff tax hikes in dead of night: RS
Brooks: This Deal is Rather a Crap-burger, eh?: Cove
Fiscal crisis measure now heads to the House for approval: Fox

Are we helping poor Americans?: Foundry
Dem Rep Moves to Block Obama's Federal Pay Increases: WS
Everybody chill about the fiscal cliff — Joe Biden’s got this: Malkin

Administrative Bloat at America’s Colleges and Universities: OTB
1%: Teachers Union Spends Millions on Lavish Parties and Conferences: JWF
Top 10 Heritage Charts of 2012: Foundry

Scandal Central

Bill Ayers/Bernardine Dohrn Wanna-Bes Busted: JOM
Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington’s “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” for 2012: JW
Meet the new Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn: Greenroom


NYT Op-ed: “Let’s Give Up on the Constitution”: ProWis
Extra-constitutional power is what they’ve always wanted: LI
Why, It Must Be Awesome to be Barack Obama: CDN

Top 10 Heritage Images of 2012: Foundry
Dingus in your bin’ess: This Ain't Hell
Obama’s wrong: This ‘cliff’ deal still raises taxes on the middle class: WaPo

The Values Economy: Sultan Knish
The 2012 Twitchys: Top 20 deleted tweets of the year: Twitchy
Obama Squee Interview: Blaming Americans On Guns And Benghazi Sloppiness: Cove

New York Times Editorial Calls for Canceling the Constitution: MB
The U.S. Constitution in Plain Language: CDN
David Gregory’s Slobbering Obama Interview: DLim


CAR Redux: Diplomad
As world hesitates, al-Qaida carves out own country in Mali, prepares to defend it: WaPo
Gun Control: Will the GOP cave on banning high-capacity magazines?: Scoop

NBC: Something Fishy About Hillary Clinton Blood Clots: WZ
Arab Money & The Purchase of a President: NMJ
What Price U.S. Citizenship?: Thomas

Sci-Tech (courtesy

Six things every new iPad (or iPhone) owner should do immediately: ZDNet
The QLOCKTWO W By Biegert & Funk Is A Timepiece For Literate Lovers Of Good Design: Crunch
Chinese Telecom Giant Huawei Accused Of Offering Embargoed HP Equipment To Iranian Companies: Crunch


Best Bumper Stickers of 2012: LI
A Very Special MOTUS Retrospective: the Best of 2012: MOTUS
5 Embarrassing Family Cars: CarBuzz

Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: SpellChek

QOTD: "Park Dietz, a forensic psychologist, believes that to fix [the mass shooting] trend two major steps must be taken: a return to the “emotional tone” of reporting on these events and a reduction or elimination of biographical and identifying information about the shooter. Dietz believes the media culture now helps “incentivize those rare individuals who might be prepared to act similarly.” According to Dietz,”No amount of fulfillment of morbid curiosity is worth more lives.”

Kelly believes along with the cries for increased gun legislation in America, “there are also angry calls for a new journalism.” People were angered by images of reporters in Connecticut interviewing terrified children and are “calling for an end to news as spectacle.”" --Anjali Sareen

Monday, December 31, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Yes, Fascism Has Come to America

Send us tips! Bloggers: install a Larwyn's Linx widget. Get real-time news, 24/7, at BadBlue.


Yes, Fascism Has Come to America: Nice Deb
What you’ll see in the rebellion: Bob Owens
Obama: We Must Limit 2nd Amendment Despite "Resistance": PunditPress

Communist Revolution: I Never Thought It Would Come to This: SaberPoint
Seventh Circuit Blocks the HHS Mandate for a Private Business: NRO
Democrats Seek the Holy Grail of Gun Control: Power Line


Obama forgot his big boy pants, blames GOP for his intransigence: WyBlog
Boehner Responds To Obama: "Stop Blaming And Lead": ZH
Lindsey Graham: Tax-Hiking Schmuck: Scoop

Reid To GOP: "At This Stage We're Not Able To Make A Counteroffer": RCP
Reid unable to counteroffer, hands over negotiations to... Biden: ZH
Reid suggests stalemate was the fault of Democrats, WH: WaPo

Sotomayor: Hobby Lobby To Be Fined $1.3M/day Starting 1/1: MagNote
When Government Offers to Help, Watch Out: Barone
The Multiplier Effect of Government Spending is 0: P&F

Scandal Central

The untold story of gun confiscation after Hurricane Katrina: Scoop
How Chicago and Obama Globalized Voter Fraud: AT
Obama vows to go after gun rights, admits he wants ‘fundamental change’ to America: Twitchy

What Fiscal Cliff? VP Biden, Gov’t Workers Getting Raises: RWN
The Assault Weapons Ban Didn’t Work Then and It Won’t Work Now: RWN
Feinstein: US must ‘bite the bullet' and enact new gun-control restrictions: Hill

Climate & Energy

Video: Eye-popping proposed EPA regulations: Fox
Politico’s Bogus Framing of Jackson’s Resignation from EPA: BizzyBlog
Professor Calls for Death Penalty for Climate Change 'Deniers': AT


Media Bias Year-in-Review: The Biggest Obamagasms of 2012: NB
Peggy Noonan: With This President ‘It’s Always Cliffs, Never Deals’: Mediaite
Ed "The Red" Schultz: Impose Socialism on Talk Radio: MB

Lone Gun-Grab Advocating Protester Gets Headline, Photo in Gun Show Coverage at Denver Station: Bizzy
FLASHBACK: D.C. arrests vet for unregistered ammunition : Times
Is Media To Blame For Mass Shootings?: Mediaite

Obama Quietly Renews Warrantless Wiretap Law for 5 Years: Blaze
New Video Mercilessly Mocks Celebrities for Rank Hypocrisy on Gun Control: Bruce
Economist Morici: Obama “Put a Pistol to the Head of the Middle Class”: GWP


When the Lights Go Out in America: NoisyRm
President Obama “puzzled” by attacks on Susan Rice: RedAlert
Report: Half to two-thirds of Christians in Middle East fled or killed over past century: Creeping

Gun Control's Self-Refuting Arguments: Ace
Despite Gun Control, Dutch Shooting Rampages Becoming Common: Breitbart
Venezuela VP: Chavez suffers 'new complications': CNS

Sci-Tech (courtesy

Ethiopian Children Teach Themselves on Tablet Computers: AmPower
Extreme Diet Hacking With Tech: How Cheesecake Made Me Leaner And Stronger With Carb Backloading: Crunch
10 tech trends to watch for in 2013: TechRadar


Peers-More-Gun: MOTUS
Chinese woman aged 127 takes on 'young man' from Japan who is aged just 115: Daily Mail
Could Belgium Bring Down Scientology?: AtlWire

Image: BizzyBlog
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: The 2012 Fabulous 50 Blog Award Winners: The Complete List

QOTD: "Central banks have become the great enablers of fiscal profligacy. The overarching belief is that there will always be someone or something there to act as the safety net. The safety nets worked so well recently that investors now trust they will be underneath them ad-infinitum. Markets and economists alike now believe that quantitative easing (“QE”) will always “work” by flooding the market with relatively costless capital. Unlimited QE and the zero lower bound (“ZLB”) are likely to bankrupt pension funds whose expected returns happen to be a good 600 basis points (or more) higher than the 10?year “risk-free” rate. The ZLB has many unintended consequences that are impossible to ignore.

Our belief is that markets will eventually take these matters out of the hands of the central bankers. These events will happen with such rapidity that policy makers won’t be able to react fast enough. The fallacy of the belief that countries that print their own currency are immune to sovereign crisis will be disproven in the coming months and years. Trillions of dollars of debts will be restructured and millions of financially prudent savers will lose large percentages of their real purchasing power at exactly the wrong time in their lives. Again, the world will not end, but the social fabric of the profligate nations will be stretched and in some cases torn. Sadly, looking back through economic history, all too often war is the manifestation of simple economic entropy played to its logical conclusion. We believe that war is an inevitable consequence of the current global economic situation." --Kyle Bass

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Confirmed -- "We Can and Will Force Christians to Act Against Their Faith"

Send us tips! Bloggers: install a Larwyn's Linx widget. Get real-time news, 24/7, at BadBlue.


"We Can and Will Force Christians to Act Against Their Faith": CNS
The Dec. 16th shooting you didn't hear about: Nice Deb
Report: Obama will nominate Hagel for Secretary of Defense: Scoop

‘Gun Control Fails,’ Say Statistics from… Gun-Control Advocates: PJM
Molon Labe: AmmoLand
'Biggest crowd ever for biggest gun show on East Coast': Twitchy

Will Joe Biden Voluntarily Give Up His Shotguns?: RWN
The Fiscal Cliff is a Diversion from the Real Problem: CFP
Next Phase Of The Gun Control Fight....Gun Shows: Ace


Deal or No Deal?: Power Line
Take a Powder: You Voted for Him: Salamander
Is Obama About to Roll Over the GOP?: Dossier

Obamacare Dead on Arrival, Part I: CDN&V
Unemployment Benefits are Becoming a Dependence Problem: AT
Jihad-Free Holiday Gifts: BadEagle

Scandal Central

Obama 2008: “I Am Not Going To Take Your Guns Away”: GWP
Hillary Too Concussed to Testify About Benghazi, But OK to Fly to Dominican Republic for Vacation: JWF
Obama’s ‘welfare case’ space pioneer buys $17 million mansion: Hoocoodanode?

Climate & Energy

Teens Dump Higher Ed for Brown Jobs: Mead
AR5 Chapter 11; Hiding the Decline (Part II): Watts
EPA Sued Over Heinous Experiments on Humans: NLPC


NY Paper Publishes Names, Addresses of Gun Permit Map-Publishing Journal News Employees: BizzyBlog
N.Y. Newspaper Announces it Will Publish More Names & Addresses of Gun Owners: Blaze
Shusher in chief: Obama gets testy at fiscal cliff presser: Twitchy

500 murders? Chicago sure could use a gun ban! Oh. Wait...: AWD
Aspiring Bolshevik Thom Hartmann Wants US to 'Outlaw Billionaires': NB
Recent shootings shine spotlight on assault rifle: USA Today

NBC DC Anchor: Grisly Crime Scene Photos from Newtown Should Be Public to Further Gun Control: NB
Apparently, laws don’t apply to David Gregory: DC
David Gregory defender Howard Kurtz schooled on DC gun law enforcement: Twitchy


First They Came For The Guns…: MagNote
Muslim Brotherhood reaches out to Hezbollah: RS
Comedy Gold: Muslim Brotherhood Leader Tells Jews To Leave Israel, Return to Egypt: JoshuaPundit

"It will make 9/11 look like peanuts": Atlas
Memo For File CLXXVI: RWN
Woman charged with murder as a hate crime in deadly New York subway push: Fox

Sci-Tech (courtesy

Facebook’s High-Stakes Poker Game: Crunch
Windows 8 wrestles with PC's legacy: CNet
Microsoft confirms zero-day bug in IE6, IE7 and IE8: CompWorld


Fatso the Cat: American Digest
Uno, or not to Uno?: PRS
Obama’s Facebook Page Features ‘Favorite’ Photos of 2012 (Can You Guess How Many Feature Him?): Blaze

Image and sponsored by: Our Rhinestone in the Rough (Ruff?)

QOTD: "Decades hence, our offspring will listen in disbelief when we tell them we used to pay billions of dollars to warehouse children in “gun-free zones” overseen by morons; that 21st-century kids were groomed for 19th-century jobs and came out functionally illiterate but experts nonetheless on the subjects of Kwanzaa, “safe” sex, and something called global warming." --Kathy Shaidle

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Ban Schools, Not Guns

Send us tips! Bloggers: install a Larwyn's Linx widget. Get real-time news, 24/7, at BadBlue.


Ban Schools, Not Guns: Taki's Magazine
Laws Are For the Little People: Steyn
The Day the War Began: TL in Exile

Feinstein: All Gun Owners Should Be Registered, Fingerprinted: Breitbart
An Open Letter to President Obama on Gun Control: Kuznicki
Feinstein's Gun Control Bill Will Trigger The Next American Revolution: ZH

Obama Flies From Hawaii To Offer Same Craptastic Cliff Deal: RWN
Here's Why Someone Would Need To Own An 'Assault' Rifle: IBD
Dick's Refuses to Honor "Military-Style" Rifle Orders: Blaze


$1 Trillion Obamacare Tax Hike Hitting on Jan. 1: ATR
The best and worst economic ideas of 2012: Peth
Nation running out of ammo: LI

Obama Orders Pay Raises for Federal Workers: WS
The Obama NLRB’s Christmas Gift To The Unions: LoneCon
‘Fiscal Cliff’ Distracts As ‘Fiscal Abyss’ In Japan, UK and U.S. Cometh: ZH

Scandal Central

Lisa Jackson forced out of EPA: Moe Lane
Remember When the Left Used to Freak Out About News Like This?: Powers
Lt. Col. Ralph Peters: Something is fundamentally wrong with the media in this country: Scoop

Climate & Energy

The 10 Worst Regulations of 2012: Foundry
New Hawaii Senator Who'll Take Many Fossil Fueled Air Trips Pledges To Tackle Hotcoldwetdry: Cove
An open letter challenging the EPA on CO2 regulation: Tucson


The No Santa Clause: MOTUS
Gannett’s Journal News Produces New Maps: iOTW
Chelsea Clinton, Still NBC’s Pretend Journalist: Daily Download

Hard Lines: TL in Exile
Everybody Hates Piers Morgan: RSM
What will be the likely model of american insurrection, if "gun control" doesn't "go well?": Winter Soldier

Steyn: Laws are for little people: Ace
Experts: Trained Police Officers Better Than Armed Guards In Schools: RWN
Jesse Jackson Spews Nonsense Trying To Defend Chicago Gun Ban After 500th Homicide: Bruce


FLASHBACK: Kerry Voted Against Gulf War, Proposed Multilateral 'New World Order': Breitbart
Caribou Coffee, Church's Chicken owned by Muslim Brotherhood-linked bank: JihadWatch
Where will Assad go?: Fausta

Hagel Slammed on Sunday Shows: Beacon
Indian Muslim leader: "Remove police for 15 minutes, we will finish off one billion Hindus": JihadWatch
Chinese Hackers Suspected in Cyber Attack on Council on Foreign Relations: Beacon

Yasser Arafat’s widow admits Palestinian terror campaign in 2000 was premeditated: DC
Desert Storm Victor Stormin' Norman Schwarzkopf R.I.P.: IBD
Special Report: Inside the West's economic war with Iran: Reuters

Sci-Tech (courtesy

China Patches a Hole in the Great Firewall: Mead
Congress decides every aspect of your electronic life can be spied on without a warrant...: BoingBoing
CALEA Is Watching YOU!: 90 Miles


Yellow Toes: iOTW
Can’t Even “Hang On By My Fingernails”: Zilla
There Were Two "Rocket Launchers" Turned in at LA's Gun Buyback Program: AtlWire

Image: iOwnTheWorld
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Shopper, Please Come Forward and Accept Your 2012 PUK Award Nomination

QOTD: "If we are foolish enough to embrace a ban on any weapon in the coming Congress, then we are unwittingly embracing a ban on every weapon.

Republicans in the House and Senate need to let Feinstein and company know this is a non-starter, and voters need to start weighing potential congressional candidates for 2014 on the basis of where they stand on the 2nd Amendment.

Gun-grabbers need not apply." --AWR Hawkins

Friday, December 28, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Obama's GOP Tax Collectors

Send us tips! Bloggers: install a Larwyn's Linx widget. Get real-time news, 24/7, at BadBlue.


Obama's GOP Tax Collectors: Jeffrey Lord
Laws, Little People, and the Public Interest: Malkin
You say you want a revolution?: AWD

Obama vs. America's Fiscal Health: DLim
At a Campus Near You: The End of Democracy In America: LI
Malkin hammers Cuomo on gun confiscation, Dem gun hypocrisy: Scoop

Hypocrisy Of Liberals Who Cling To Their Guns: IBD
Boy Uses AR15 To Stop A Home Invasion: Howling
GUN-FREE CHICAGO: Fatal Shooting Lifts Homicide Total to 500: Trib


Fiscal Cliff's Dirty Secret: It's Not About Taxes At All: Rand Paul
What I Learned in the Poverty War: City Journal
President Obama's Legacy: $20 Trillion in Debt for 2016 Victor: Forbes

Businesses Look for Ways Around Health Care Law: FreeEnt
The FHA: A home wrecker: AEI
Santelli goes off: rips Fed, Obama, Geithner, Congress: GWP

10 Facts on the Fiscal Cliff, Debt, and Spending: Foundry
Why DC’s Business As Usual Crowd Fears The Fiscal Cliff: ConHQ
A Word on Sector Selection for 2013: RefBroker

Scandal Central

"Richard Windsor," aka Lisa Jackson, Resigns From EPA, Using Her Own Name for a Change: Ace
Senate Republicans refuse to confirm Kerry until Hillary testifies about Benghazi: Hot Air
Attorney claims EPA chief resigned over alias email accounts: Fox

Climate & Energy

“EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson resigns”: ProWis
The Obama Green Energy Scam You May Have Missed: Townhall


Public Safety Map: Where Are The Journal News Employees In Your Neighborhood?: WZ
Anonymous Narrative Arrives to Defend Gregory in Meet the Press Magazine Brandishment Episode: Blumer
Gun Debate Exposes Media’s Bias, David Gregory Exposed Their Hypocrisy: Mediaite

Dueling Headlines, TMZ/Obama Edition: Powers
Obama’s Family Vacation for Dudes: Dossier
Blogger publishes names, address of newspaper staff after gun-permit database disclosure: Fox

Allen West: ‘What the president is proposing is reflection of him living in some type of fantasy world’: Scoop
Gallup Poll: NRA Way More Popular Than the Media: JWF
CNN Feeds Anti-Gun Talking Point to Dem Congressman: NB

Desperate Screams of the Press Clowns: Erickson
Unexpected!: Cold Fury
MSNBC’s Toure: Gun Owners Should Be Treated Like Sex Offenders: WZ


FBI report from 1970 sheds light on PLO and Fatah penetration of the American political Left: Glick
Rep. Ros-Lehtinen invites Sen. Harry Reid to discover the real meaning of the term ‘dictatorhip’: Babalu
China wants Obama to ban all firearms: 90 Miles

Muslim Brotherhood Gets Top Security Clearance: Sentinel
Putin’s Adoption Ban Hits Senator Rubio Close to Home: Shark Tank
Saudi Arabia: 41 people arrested for "plotting to celebrate Christmas": JihadWatch

Sci-Tech (courtesy

10 Raspberry Pi creations that show how amazing the tiny PC can be: Ars Technica
Windows 8's uptake falls behind Vista's pace: ComputerWorld
Putting Jay Glazer’s Perfect Punch And Other Infomercial Workout Systems To The Test: Consumerist


2012 Wardrobe Malfunctions: Reaganite (NSFW)
Kill All Republicans: A Sign Of Times: Cube
Corvette stolen in 1989 sold to OC man on eBay: KABC

Image: David Gregory’s Legendary “Gun Magazine of Perpetual Legality”!!
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Petition: Eliminate DC Armed Guards, Establish Gun-Free Zones Instead

QOTD: "AP: We're Pretty Sure That Holiday Sales Were Bleak Due to Hurricane Sandy and the Newtown Massacre

Anything bad that happens under Obama's watch is beyond his control. He has no power over the economy -- its dire health is attributable to ATM machines, Japanese earthquakes, and the NRA's promotion of murdering children.

Of course, whenever there's a speck of positive economic news, that is due to Obama's mastery of the levers and gears of production...

...Much, much later the article mentions another possibility -- the coming financial cliff and people's fear of the next dip in the endless recession." --Ace

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: 2012: When Dreams Died

Send us tips! Bloggers: install a Larwyn's Linx widget. Get real-time news, 24/7, at BadBlue.


2012: When Dreams Died: Hanson
Another Obama ICE memo sabotages homeland security: Malkin
"Progressives" Panic As They Lose the Gun Narrative: Townhall

Fathers vanishing from American households: Times
Counting the dead vs. those who will live: Bookworm
Charts: Gun violence in America declining over last 20 years: Hot Air

The Magic of Gun Control: Events
Kwanzaa: Holiday Brought To You By The FBI: Coulter
Election Over, Americans Find They Were Duped By Obama: IBD


Building The Fiscal Cliff, One Dollar At A Time : RWN
It’s Not a “Fiscal Cliff” … It’s the Descent Into Lawlessness: BigPic
Holiday Sales Stink, Guess Whose Policies Aren't To Blame: Cove

Obama Blows $7M+ Pretending He Cares About Fiscal Crisis: JWF
Will Rising Union Activism Expose The Zombified US Pensions?: ZH
'Disabled' Workers Hit New Record in December: 8,827,795: CNS

Scandal Central

State Department's Benghazi Resignations Were FAKE: Lid
Scofflaw David Gregory Busted by Bloggers, MIA From ‘Meet the Press’: RSM

Climate & Energy

Big Brother: Feds Propose Tracking Black Boxes in All New Cars: 90 Miles


D.C. Police: NBC told it could NOT use high-cap magazine in news segment: LI
HuffPo Shocker: Clinton Policies Seriously Damaged Economy: NB
The year's 9 most hilarious New York Times corrections: TheWeek

OUTED: NY Journalists Who Published Name And Address Of Every Handgun Owner In Two Counties: WZ
Cowardice: Smug Journal-News Editor Deletes Facebook Page, Hides Tweets: JWF
Newspaper editor who published gun owners’ personal info protects her Twitter account: Twitchy

The Howard Kurtz Recursion: Driscoll
The Journal News (NY) Posts Names/Addresses of Handgun Permit Holders: UrbanGrounds
Gun Owner Map Backfire: Outing unarmed homes makes them sitting ducks: Wolf Files

'Assault Weapons' vs. 'So-Called Modern Sporting Rifles': A New York Times Lexicon: Reason
Obama’s Numbers Went Down, but Romney Never Inspired Voters to Vote: Barone
R.I.P. Newsweek: AIM


Where's Hillary?: WS
Tom Friedman: ‘Hagel Is Out of the Mainstream’: WS
Ancient temple, rare ritual tools discovered near Jerusalem: Hayom

Sci-Tech (courtesy

This 200-Year-Old Mechanical Caterpillar Does Everything But Turn Into a Butterfly: Gizmodo
FBI Memo: Hackers Breached Heating System via Backdoor: Wired
Software patents: The talk of 2012: OpenSource


The Obamas have yet to master this vacation wardrobe thing.: NakedDC
Obama Dined at Morimoto, 41 Ate Chinese: MOTUS
The Media Violence Project: IowaHawk

Image: ABC's Brian Ross wins "Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste" Award
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: 2012 MRC Awards for the Worst Reporting

QOTD:"In combing through the results of the 2012 election — apparently finally complete, nearly two months after the fact — I continue to find many similarities between 2012 and 2004, and one enormous difference...

The popular vote margins were similar — 51 to 48 percent for George W. Bush in 2004, 51 to 47 percent for Barack Obama in 2012.

The one enormous difference was turnout. Turnout between the 2000 and 2004 elections rose from 105 million to 122 million — plus 16 percent. Turnout between the 2008 and 2012 elections fell from 131 million to 128 million — minus 2 percent.

Turnout is a measure of organization but also of spontaneous enthusiasm." --Michael Barone

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: The Real Cliff

Send us tips! Bloggers: install a Larwyn's Linx widget. Get real-time news, 24/7, at BadBlue.


The Real Cliff: Christopher Demuth
Bloggers Outing Gun Owner Outers at The Journal News: CFP
‘How do you trust someone when they change their stance...?’: JWF

On Killing: Denninger
Brilliant: Jesse Jackson Asks Jail Inmates to Help End Gun Violence: JWF
Gunman William Spengler Used Bushmaster, Left Chilling Note: ABC

Four Words for Gun Grabbers: "Shall Not Be Infringed": Breitbart
Why Cuomo’s Nutty Gun Confiscation Plan Will Never Work: JWF
Look At All These Guns People Got for Christmas: AtlWire


Obama Scrooges Christmas: RSM
The government failed: Let’s depend more on the government!: CFP
Soaking the rich, Obamacare style: DC

The gift of self-empowerment: Malkin
Surprise: State-Run Broadcasting Pushes for Higher Taxes: NB
Boo hoo: Obama may cut vacation to deal with fiscal crisis: JPost

Scandal Central

Obama Claus: Adds Time To Collect $50K Reparations: Breitbart
So how does Journal – News reporter Dwight R. Worley rate a NYC pistol permit?: Fountain

Climate & Energy

Amateur Video of Tornado in Mobile, AL: Sooper


DC Police Investigating NBC's Gregory for Violations of Gun Ban Laws: Breitbart
Planned Parenthood Did One Abortion Every 95 Seconds—As Many in One Year as Live In Cincinnati: CNS
Piers Morgan: Thousands petition for deportation: BBC

New York Tells Rapists, Thieves and Murderers Which Homes to Target: NoisyRm
Why the Jews Vote for the Democrats: CFP
BBC's 'Top Gear' Host to America: 'It took us 40 years to get rid of Piers Morgan, do not send him back': Breitbart


The Science of Islamophobia: GoV
Israeli PM Netanyahu's Christmas Message: JoshuaPundit
Human Rights Watch (partially) changes its tune - but only partially: Simply

Allah Akbar and Ho Ho Ho: Sultan Knish
Syria converts combat aircraft to WMD-armed drones: Hayom
Egypt's Morsi signs Islamist constitution into law: JPost

Prominent Imam in U.S.: Resurrected Caliphate Should Wage Jihad: Mauro
Christians suffer persecution worldwide during Christmas season: Twitchy
Muslims Open Fire on Midnight Mass at Nigerian Church: Atlas

Sci-Tech (courtesy

Dark “Clouds” Forming After Netflix Outage Blamed On Amazon: CBS Philadelphia
Facebook Wants People To Pay (Them) To Spam (You): Denninger
Report: Chinese PLA Access 80% of “World’s Communications”: DefTech


Merry Christmas From the Second Amendment: Dancing Czars
Video: The freaky deaky Norwegian kicker: Greenroom
From Slum to Swan Lake: AP

Image: Twisters to ice, holiday weather is perilous
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Linkiest

QOTD: "You may think it's a horrifying idea to arm teachers.

Did you ever think to stop and ask why you believe that, and whether your viewpoint is rational -- or whether you're being manipulated by the media and politicians for their own ends at the expense of your children?

Let's analyze this.

Do you think it's wrong to have an armed guard in your bank? How about the guy delivering the money to your grocery store in the armored car? Should he have a gun? Does your local grocery store's cash drawer -- or that of your bank -- have a higher value than your child? If you believe that the armored car or bank should have someone carrying a gun to protect that cash drawer while your child's teacher should not, that is what you believe.

How about the President? Should he have dozens of people all around him, every minute of the day, all with guns? How about Obama's two daughters -- should they have an armed Secret Service detail at their school, with guns, every single day? Do Obama's children have more value than yours? If you believe his children should have someone with a gun available to protect them but your child's teacher should be barred by law from carrying concealed and thus able to serve as a last line of defense for your child, that is what you believe.

How important are your children? More important than a drawer full of money? As important as President Obama's daughters? If you answered in the affirmative to both you do not want to ban guns -- you want the "Gun Free School" law repealed now and you want all teachers, administrators and staff who are willing and able to carry concealed firearms in the unlikely but possible case that a bad guy may try to murder your children." --Karl Denninger