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Rangel Congratulates Marcia Fudge On Being Sworn In As The Chair Of The CBC

Washington, DC - Congressman Rangel released the following statement after Congresswoman Marcia Fudge (OH-11) was sworn in as the Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus for the 113th Congress.

“I am proud to congratulate Congresswoman Marcia Fudge on being sworn in as the Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus.

With the economy slowly recovering and the budget battles ahead of us, it is important that we continue to defend the change we have all worked so diligently to achieve since the CBC was founded in 1971.  Throughout her career in Congress, Marcia’s passion for the advancement of the least among us, regardless of race, color or creed, has served her constituents in Cleveland well.  This tireless advocacy makes her an excellent choice for the CBC chair.

It has been an honor to serve with Marcia in Congress.  I look forward to working with Marcia and the rest of my Colleagues on the CBC in the 113th Congress as we continue our efforts to put America back to work, cut our deficit responsibly, tackle tax reform, and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to pursue the American Dream.”



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