Dec 23 2012

UPDATE: Jon Hammar Hospitalized in Lousiana with Stomach & Chest Pains

From CBS14:

MIAMI (CBS4) – The South Florida Marine Veteran released from a Mexican prison late last week had to be taken to an emergency room in Louisiana.

Jon Hammar, 27, was making his way back to his family’s Palmetto Bay home, after spending more than four months imprisoned in Mexico.

“He’s got some sort of a stomach bug,” Jon’s mother, Olivia Hammar, said Saturday, before he was hospitalized. “He hasn’t been able to eat. He had a banana, drinking some Gatorade and he has a really bad chest cold which we’re a little concerned may be pneumonia.”

He may not make it home for Christmas Eve, but at least he’s safe… let’s hope he recovers fully.

Dec 21 2012

Chicago Man Murders Wife with Weightlifting Bar While 4-Year-Old Son Watched

This is horrifying:

A Tinley Park man beat his wife with a weightlifting curling bar Wednesday as their 4-year-old son watched, Will County prosecutors said Thursday at a hearing for the 47-year-old man.

Bahaa A. Sam was charged with first-degree murder in the death of his wife, Nermeen Gamal Sam, 38. An autopsy report stated she was hit in the head more than 10 times. Bahaa Sam is being held on a $5 million bail.

via the Frankfort Patch

We should probably ban all curling bars, and let’s excoriate the National Weightlifting Association [is there such a thing?].  And don’t give me none of that “weightlifting bars don’t kill people, Bahaa Sam kills people” rightwing propaganda!!

Tinley Park Police responded at about 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 19, to an ambulance call to the home in the 19700 block of Silverside Drive, a police press release stated. A Tinley Park public works employee had spotted Nermeen Sam’s body next to a tree outside and called 911, Chief Steve Neubauer said.

When officers arrived at the scene, they found Nermeen Sam face down in the grass, covered in blood, prosecutors said. Police also reported blood spatters on the sidewalk and driveway, as well as a pool of blood on the grass. The curling bar was on the ground next to the body, prosecutors said.

The first person officers encountered when they entered the Sam home was the couple’s 4-year-old son. According to prosecutors, the boy, whose face and clothing had blood spatters, told police, “Daddy killed my mommy.”

Police then saw Bahaa Sam, who also had blood on his clothing and skin, prosecutors. Continue reading

Dec 20 2012

Transgender Teen Arrested for Planning Shooting, Bombing at AZ High School

A 16-year old at Red Mountain High School in Mesa Arizona has been arrested for planning to murder her classmates and take her own life. Canadian authorities notified the police after being alerted to threats she made on a Canadian trangender youtube channel, and when the Mesa police questioned her about it today, she admitted her plans to take her parents’ guns and kill students at her high school.

The video below has the local news reporter also mention that her neighbors and family thought part of the angst she was dealing with had to do with sexual identity issues:

These were the comments that Canadian officials say she posted on the trangender forum:

“I now literally have a plan of seriously hurting… killing… murdering people in my high school. And a playlist to do it”

Fox News reports:

The Maricopa County Sheriff Office says the girl had access to guns at her home, but never brought firearms to Red Mountain High School in Mesa.

The agency says investigators arrested the girl at her home Thursday morning and that she admitted to posting the threat.

According to the sheriff’s office, when she posted the comment three days ago, she had serious thoughts and even plans to shoot people and bomb the school. She told deputies she had been planning this in her head before last week’s massacre in Connecticut.

She told investigators she even thought about cutting the wires on the security carts on campus in order to slow the response.

The girl’s parents are being cooperative and admitted to having a few guns in the home.

KTAR reports on what kind of guns she might have had available:

Deputies found a semi-automatic .40 caliber handgun, a .357 revolver and a .22 revolver in the house. The guns had trigger locks and were kept in a gun safe. They were not seized.

Luckily for the students at Red Mountain High School, she was not bright enough to keep her plans a secret. From Arizona NewsZap:

The post continued on by saying “I WORK at the high school as a student teacher basically … which is why no one can find out about me somewhat accidentally planning to blow up the school. (and yes … it would be super easy …).”

This while likely add fuel to the debate as to whether to increase restrictions on gun ownership, or to reconsider our mental health policy:

In the interview by sheriff’s detectives of the girl’s parents both said their daughter has a history of mental health issues, has been seen by a psychiatrist, and had recently been inquiring about where the guns were being kept in the house. The father said he was alarmed by his daughter’s comments and took the additional safety precautions of placing trigger locks on each gun and safeguarding them in a gun safe.

She was questioned within 3 hours of Mesa police being contacted by the Canucks, and has been booked into police custody.


Red Mountain High School has school club for sexual identity issues called the GSA, the Gay Straight Alliance. It’s been active since at least 2009.

Dec 20 2012

INFOGRAPHIC: The FACTS About Gun Violence in America

While America reels from the terrible tragedy at Sandyhook Elementary perpetrated on innocent children by a demonic animal, it is not surprising that many allow themselves to be swept up in emotion and lose perspective of reality. Too many have forsaken logic and reasoning in pursuit of any solution, no matter how poorly founded in truth, in an attempt to overcome all evil in the world.

For those thinking that merely restricting the availability in America will curtail or stop gun violence, I offer these statistics and information culled from an excellent article entitled Gun Control Statistics That Reasonable People Should Know at Conservative Daily News:

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Dec 19 2012

Vet Marine Unjustly Imprisoned in Mexico Might Be Released This Friday


From the Brownsville Herald:

The vice president of the Tamaulipas Chamber of Commerce has confirmed that U.S Marine Jon Hammar is in the custody of U.S. officials.

“He’s free,” Gerardo Danache Acevedo told The Brownsville Herald this afternoon.

It is unclear at what time Hammar will be released, but it will be sometime today.

Acevedo Danache said he had been informed that a judge has signed Hammar’s release papers from jail and that he is expected to be escorted out of Matamoros sometime today.

Acevedo Danache earlier this month made a telephone call to Mexican President Enrique Nieto Pena asking him to pardon the veteran Marine.

“I really, really believe the media played a big role in this. I am happy that this will happen because there is no reason we should continue with this” Acevedo Danache said in a telephone interview with The Brownsville Herald.

For those celebrating his release, please keep in mind that there were people in Mexico who also fought with us to have him released. And to everyone who helped spread this story, great job!!

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~ ~ ~

This is great news. If you haven’t been following the harrowing story of Veteran Marine John Hammar, please listen to the summary as explained by John and Ken, two talk radio hosts from KFI in Los Angeles:

Here’s another from

Hammar was arrested in August on the Mexican side of the Free Trade Bridge at Los Indios on a weapons charge; he has been jailed in Matamoros since. Family members and an attorney say Hammar tried to declare an antique .410 shotgun with Mexican customs, as his family has said that U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials told him he could.

When Hammar entered Matamoros, he was planning to go to Costa Rica with a friend to surf.

As reported by KFI, Hammar’s mother says that anonymous Mexican officials have told her that he might be released this Friday. However, Jon’s mother sounds very uneasy about the information she received about his full acquittal. In the interview, she says that the Mexican authorities are upset at the attention they’re receiving about this terrible injustice. Continue reading