Friday, January 4, 2013

The PUK Awards Cage Match #9

Wow, I thought for sure that the Alfred E. Neuman as Barack Obama graphic would have been chosen the winner in iOwnTheWorld’s Cage Match No. 8, but it lost by nearly 3 to 1 to Maksim’s entry.  I even created a graphic using that image for a caption contest and submitted it as an entry.

For those of you who may not have been following the action, iOwnTheWorld is holding “cage matches” to determine which website has created the best conservative agitprop for the year in an effort to present the winner with the coveted PUK Award.

The contest began with 28 finalists and now the contestants have been whittled down to 10.

Cage Match No. 9 is going on right now through 8PM ET tomorrow.  It features another offering by Maksim (Surrender Your Dignity) and one from iOwnTheWorld (You gotta open my bra handsome...).  Each cage match begins at 8PM ET every night and will last for 24 hours.

Please go over to iOwnTheWorldgo the comments section and click the thumbs up icon to vote for your favorite image.

There are still five more cage matches to go and possibly another chance for one my entries to make to it into one or more of them, so stay tuned right here for further updates.

Have a great day and don’t forget to vote.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The PUK Awards Cage Match #8

Staying true to my word about keeping my readers up-to-date on the chase for a winner in the 2012 PUK Awards going on at iOwnTheWorld, here’s the very latest:

Cage Match #7 was a razor-thin victory for The People’s CubeDaletoons lost by a mere three votes.  Big Fur Hat cautions that every vote counts.  This is important because BFH is absolutely in love with the Alfred E. Neuman as Barack Obama graphic that appears to have been created by Mataleone which is being featured in Cage Match #8.

For those of you who may not have been following the action, iOwnTheWorld is holding “cage matches” to determine which website has created the best conservative agitprop for the year in an effort to present the winner with the coveted PUK Award.

The contest began with 28 finalists and now the contestants have been whittled down to 12.

Cage Match No. 8 is going on right now through 8PM ET tomorrow.  It features two marvelous images; one by Mataleone and the other by the very popular  Maksim of The People’s Cube.  Each cage match begins at 8PM ET every night and will last for 24 hours.

Please go over to iOwnTheWorldgo the comments section and click the thumbs up icon to vote for your favorite image.

I hope that some of my other entries make an appearance in future cage matches and if they do, you can bet I’ll let you know about them.

This has been a lot of fun and very gratifying to know that so many liked my work enough to cast their votes for them.  I hope that if future cage matches include some of my stuff that you will be kind of enough to give it a “thumbs up.”

Have a great day and don’t forget to vote.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Proverbial Toilet: This Is CNN?

Call it a case of “the most trusted name in news” countenancing the vulgar presence of “of the most tasteless slut in show business,” wrote Howard Portnoy at the Examiner.

Hyping their coverage of Times Square revelers ringing in the New Year, CNN’s Press Room proclaimed:
“Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin are back to co-host CNN’s coverage of the New Year’s Eve celebrations on Monday, Dec. 31, from 10 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. (ET). Bringing back their fun and unpredictable New Year’s Eve countdown program for the 6th consecutive year, Cooper and Griffin will ring in the new year live from NYC’s Time Square for CNN’s “New Year’s Eve Live with Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin.”
Clearly the cable network showed how desperate for a ratings boost they are as evidenced by Cooper’s statement in advance of the airing of the show.
“As always, I await New Year’s Eve with Kathy Griffin with grave reservations and tremendous fear, and I want to apologize in advance to anyone she may offend/assault/attempt to kiss” said Cooper.
Consider that during the 2009 show, Griffin dropped an F-bomb. The year before she directed a vulgar oral sex reference to a heckler. Last year she stripped down to her underwear.  She outdid herself Monday night in her quest to shock the veteran newsman by referring to his genitalia on air and later attempting to simulate oral sex on her openly gay best friend.

Newbusters provides the best video offering of the shock buzz complete with a transcript.

The PUK Awards Cage Match #7

I am delighted to report that my entry in Cage Match No. 6 emerged as the winner against the very talented cartoonist at Anti-Anti Underground.

For those of you who may not have been following the action, iOwnTheWorld is holding “cage matches” to determine which website has created the best conservative agitprop for the year in an effort to present the winner with the coveted PUK Award.

The contest began with 28 finalists and now the contestants have been whittled down to 14.

Cage Match No. 7 is going on right now through 8PM ET tomorrow.  It features two marvelous images; one by Daletoons at the Out of Order blog and the other by the very popular The People’s Cube.  Each cage match begins at 8PM ET every night and will last for 24 hours.

Please go over to iOwnTheWorldgo the comments section and click the thumbs up icon to vote for your favorite image.

I will continue to keep you up-to-date on future cage matches.

Monday, December 31, 2012

My Best To Everyone. Happy New Year!

UPDATE @10:35PM:  Fiscal cliff deal reached.

The PUK Awards Cage Match #6

Well, tonight I went down in flames against Big Fur Hat in iOwnTheWorld’s Cage Match No. 5.  He is an awesome opponent and is certainly deserving of the win.  I want to thank everyone who has been supportive of my entries.

iOTW continues to run cage matches to determine which website has created the best conservative agitprop for the year in an effort to present the winner with the coveted PUK Award.

The contest began with 28 finalists and now the contestants have been whittled down to 16.

Cage Match No. 6 is going on right now through 8PM ET tomorrow.  Each cage match begins at 8PM ET every night and will last for 24 hours.

I hope you’ll help an ‘ol gal out.  Thanks in advance for your vote.

I’ll be returning to work tomorrow after a glorious week of Christmas vacation and the updates I’ve promised to give you will be later than usual, probably posted after midnight.  Please check iOwnTheWorld’s site for the next cage match.  If I have an entry, won’t you please give me a “thumbs up”?

Is There A PayPal Account Or Something?

Randy Hall, writing at Newsbusters opines, “Just when it seemed that the controversy over gun control based on remarks from Piers Morgan couldn't get any stranger, the CNN weeknight talk show host wrote a lengthy article for the UK's Daily Mail newspaper in which he made a bizarre threat.
“In conclusion, I can spare those Americans who want me deported a lot of effort by saying this: If you don’t change your gun laws to at least try to stop this relentless tidal wave of murderous carnage, then you don’t have to worry about deporting me.”
“Although I love the country as a second home and one that has treated me incredibly well, I would…seriously consider deporting myself.”
Your offer is accepted without reservation.  Is there a PayPal account where we can donate funds to send you on your way you big tease?

Of course Morgan and his softly-rated primetime show have to pass muster with incoming CNN boss Jeff Zucker who is expected to shake up the network’s lineup in pursuit of a ratings turnaround.

UPDATE:  Just for kicks and giggles, see The Guardian’s post, “More Faked Photos, Piers?”

WARNING:  You may need brain bleach if you decide to watch the video.

UPDATE II:  It must be hard living in a country whose very constitution you loathe.

Let’s Give Up On The Constitution

I was on Twitter this morning and ran across a tweet from Ari Fleischer and his pejorative about The New York Times caught my eye. “NYT op-ed runs hit pieces on Black Republicans and now the Constitution. The poor Gray Lady has grown senile.”
In a 1516 word screed penned by Louis Michael Seidman, we learn that the Carmack Waterhouse Professor of Constitutional Law at Georgetown University is lending his pedigree to a movement to subvert the Constitution by our sanctimonious betters.

A Harvard Law grad and clerk for former Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, this well-heeled professor is entrenched in the Left’s paradigm that the Constitution is an obstacle to their desire to delegitimize the founding document blithely suggesting it is, “a poetic piece of parchment.”
“As the nation teeters at the edge of fiscal chaos, observers are reaching the conclusion that the American system of government is broken. But almost no one blames the culprit: our insistence on obedience to the Constitution, with all its archaic, idiosyncratic and downright evil provisions.”


“Our obsession with the Constitution has saddled us with a dysfunctional political system, kept us from debating the merits of divisive issues and inflamed our public discourse. Instead of arguing about what is to be done, we argue about what James Madison might have wanted done 225 years ago.


“What has preserved our political stability is not a poetic piece of parchment, but entrenched institutions and habits of thought and, most important, the sense that we are one nation and must work out our differences. No one can predict in detail what our system of government would look like if we freed ourselves from the shackles of constitutional obligation, and I harbor no illusions that any of this will happen soon. But even if we can’t kick our constitutional-law addiction, we can soften the habit.” 
“If we acknowledged what should be obvious—that much constitutional language is broad enough to encompass an almost infinitely wide range of positions—we might have a very different attitude about the obligation to obey. It would become cred text or our core commitments. Instead, we are all invoking a common vocabulary to express aspirations that, at the broadest level, everyone can embrace. Of course, that does not mean that people agree at the ground level. If we are not to abandon constitutionalism entirely, then we might at least understand it as a place for discussion, a demand that we make a good-faith effort to understand the views of others, rather than as a tool to force others to give up their moral and political judgments.”  
“If even this change is impossible, perhaps the dream of a country ruled by “We the people” is impossibly utopian. If so, we have to give up on the claim that we are a self-governing people who can settle our disagreements through mature and tolerant debate. But before abandoning our heritage of self-government, we ought to try extricating ourselves from constitutional bondage so that we can give real freedom a chance.”
Incidentally, Professor Seidman has a book nearing publication entitled “On Constitutional Disobedience.”  Not having the text before me to read, I can imagine his sincere aim will be to persuade, by leftist pretzel logic, that it doesn’t matter what the Constitution says. Undoubtedly  a certain Mr. Marx would have been thrilled to sit at his breakfast table this morning and read such bilge.

Karl Marx had a vitriolic distaste towards a bourgeois capitalist society and fervently endorsed a future communist society.  The Communist Manifesto begins with the assertion, "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles." Marx argued that if you are to understand human history you must not see it as the story of great individuals or the conflict between states. Instead, you must see it as the story of social classes and their struggles with each other.

The greatest risk to our Constitution does not come from foreign governments, terrorism or unscrupulous politicians. The greatest risk is ignorance. Ignorance of how it was conceived, what it says, and how crucial it is to our freedom. To quote Benjamin Franklin, “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

Yet Another Reason Why Real Christmas Trees Are Better Than Their Artificial Counterparts

Via Gizmodo:
“Christmas is over. Chances are you still have your tree up, but sooner or later you're going to have to get rid of it. Sure you could unceremoniously toss its naked corpse into the street, but you could also turn it into a crazy rocket. Then again, you probably shouldn't, but if you did it might go something like this.”

Way cool!

Right Jabs For December 31, 2012

Politics is not a playground, it’s a battlefield.  Here are a few links from conservative bloggers who are waging a war of words against the misanthropy, priggishness, prejudice, luddism, illiberalism and irrationalism of the mainstream media bobble-head dolls and groupthink poodles of the press corps.

Law enforcement implementing revolutionary new blood alcohol testing for suspected DUIs.

With this president—always cliffs, never deals.

Errand boy sent by grocery clerks ponders inspiration for coming year.

…it is the perfect allegory for Americans living in the Age of Obama.

I see horrifyingly evil “opinions” expressed by fellow Americans every day on Twitter, and in comment sections of blogs. They don’t just disagree with conservatives—they want us to shut up, lose our jobs, be financially ruined, or to drop dead. They actually root for Republicans to die, and when they do die, the ghouls celebrate their deaths.  Not just one or two weirdos engage in this behavior—huge packs of them do.

An interesting “open thread”.

Most monumentally idiotic quotes of 2012.

Watch as Ted Nugent owns CNN’s foreign subversive.

The culture that we are stuck with now has mostly been one bad investment after another, tracts of smelly swampland where nothing can grow pawned off by sleazy weasels wearing too much polyester and more gold chains than the pharaohs, who haven't even had to work very hard to pull off their malignant scam. Good has been traded for bad and then for worse.

Supposedly the Russian GRU is circulating a report that the recently Navy and non-availability of the Secretary of State are related.

Note to self: reassess home area defensive perimeter, because if there are people out there in possession of rocket launchers, what the hell else do people have?


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