The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

DeMint At Heritage

Posted on | January 4, 2013 | 5 Comments

by Smitty

It sounds as though DeMint hopes to do more as a thought leader at Heritage than he did in elective office.

Why was he incapable of being a ‘big ideas’ guy in office?

The ‘optimistic, positive ideas’ pitch sounds swell, but I thought that’s the approach on which Romney finished a powerful, strong second. See what I did there? Avoiding talking about how we got spanked by broadband, breech-loaded baloney is, itself, tantamount to pure hooey.

You can paint the bleak reality of today’s 5Ws without appeal to violence.

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  • scarymatt

    Why was he incapable of being a ‘big ideas’ guy in office?

    My guess is that the actual duties of a Senator would interfere, or at least reduce the amount of time and energy that could be devoted to the sort of, uh, inspirational big idea leadership that the head of a think tank could manage.

    So, instead of fighting for or against this or that actual proposal, and using the big ideas in that service, he can worry more about the big ideas and less about the minutiae of actual governmance, or whatever it is the Senate does with Harry Reid in charge.

  • scrubjay

    We lost because we don’t have a meaningful presence in education and the popular culture, where most casual and low information voters get their information. The informed and those educated in the Constitution and history laugh at pitches of a ‘war on women’ or ‘the evil rich’ but they work with those who don’t have a serious background in politics and the economy. We don’t have to change our ideas. We have to change our outreach. When Bill Ayers was not blowing up stuff he was in education. He wasn’t trying to change the minds of the current generation. He was trying to mold the next generation into hating the foundation of America. We have to recapture these institutions to be able to win in the future.

  • richard mcenroe

    First off, my thoughts don’t get led. Secondly, I’d rather see a “follower” as in FOLLOWING THROUGH ON THE DAMNED PROMISES THEY KEEP MAKING TO GET REELECTED than another self-selected “leader”.

  • richard mcenroe

    Hey, those post offices and highways won’t name themselves…

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