Friday, January 4, 2013

My Reaction To The Fiscal Cliff Agreement?

My answer to the Watcher's Council Forum question that asked "What's Your Reaction To The Fiscal Cliff Agreement?"

While the Democrat position regarding the fiscal cliff negotiations came as no surprise, what struck me was the unfortunate maestro-like way in which the Obama-led Democrat Party played the Republicans in much the same way that a concert pianist would play the Chopin Funeral March ( 

While it remains to be seen how much backbone the Republicans exhibit when the debt ceiling debate reaches the point of maximum noise, what is painfully obvious is that the Party of Obama is focused on everything but spending cuts and deficit reduction as evidenced by a "cliff" deal that's projected to add $4 trillion to our federal debt.

My reaction is one of angst and fear for myself, my children and my future grandchildren concerning the fact that the POTUS and his Party could care less about destroying the American currency, the American economy or of breaking the backs of the people who present the greatest opportunity for reversing our economic tailspin while at the same time creating an atmosphere of class warfare that threatens to at some point pit one American against another in violent confrontation!

For them it is all a political calculation geared towards reelection by pandering to a gullible and ignorant electorate with giveaways.

G-D help us all!

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Two politically incorrect posters!

What does the SOTU Address and Groundhog Day have in common with each other?

Another question might be what happens when you mix an Obamabot with a public restroom? Whichever question you decide to answer will provide some good old fashion politically incorrect humor!


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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Conspiracy theory: Is Hillary's "concussion" somehow related to a plane crash in Iran?

Update January 3, 2012 2:00 PM: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said to be returning to work sometime next week after recuperating from a concussion and a blood clot.

On December 15 TPC ran an article that questioned the curious timing of the announced concussion suffered by the Secretary of State!

Curious because it occurred mere days before she was due to testify about what she knew about the massacre in Benghazi and when she knew it.

Since that time doctors have announced that Mrs. Clinton has suffered a blood clot on her brain and though she is expected to fully recover, any testimony about Benghazi will have to be delayed until a time when she is likely no longer Secretary.

Additionally, reports have been released that offer scathing reviews of the way in which both the security at the Benghazi embassy was handled by the State Department as well as the actual attack that resulted in the deaths of four Americans including the Ambassador to Libya.

Now, could there be more to the Hillary Clinton concussion/blood clot story than meets the eye?

Theories from TPC readers concerning what may have actually happened to Hillary Clinton that have nothing to do with either a flu or fainting!

Readers of The Political Commentator are fantastic not only in their support but in the additional value-added information that they often provide as well.

After a follow-up article ran in TPC that spoke to the blood clot suffered by the Secretary of State, I received comments from two readers with links to articles referencing an incident that occurred in Iran right around the time of the virus induced slip and fall suffered by Hillary Clinton.

While I cannot confirm their accuracy, these articles make for some very interesting reading.

First this:

Clinton was injured and a US Navy SEAL Killed In Secret US Mission To Iran (link below to this story no longer works - hmmmmm, I wonder why?)
Posted by EU Times on Dec 30th, 2012A new Foreign Military Intelligence (GRU) report circulating in the Kremlin today is saying that United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was injured, and a top US Navy Seal Commander killed when their C-12 Huron military passenger and transport aircraft crash landed nearly 3 weeks ago in the Iranian city of Ahvaz near the Iraqi border.
… curiously, US media reports on Commander Price’s death say it being investigated as a possible suicide as he died from what the American Defense Department describes as “a non-combat related injury”.
Equally as curious, US media reports state that Secretary Clinton will return to work next week after her having suffered what they describe as a “nasty bout with stomach flu” and a “concussion” which have kept her missing from public view the past three weeks.
Link to the 'suicide' of the Navy SEAL here:

And then this:

I am not saying she was hiding in Iran, but I do think there are some real tensions within the US administration; not all Dems are Evil Collectivists, same as not all right wingers are evil exploiters.
I did find this article on ABC today, and this paragraph jumps out, and why did it take 16 days to report, and occurred about the same time as her “concussion”.
“A separate report by state TV said the Falcon-900 plane had one passenger and two crew members and was flying to Rotterdam in the Netherlands from Abu Dhabi in United Arab Emirates when it encountered mechanical difficulties.”
Now, Rotterdam from the UAE is pretty much directly North West over “friendly” regimes. (
I would guess that the plane would need to be about 10-15 degrees off of the NW flight path to land where it did. Shirley {sic} Kuwait, Iraq, or Saudi would have been a little more welcoming.

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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Twenty question quiz: How much do you know about entitlement programs?

The quiz at The Christian Science Monitor asks questions that cover some of the most basic facts about entitlement programs that include Food Stamps, Medicare, Medicaid, Unemployment, Social Security and Welfare!

And it's obviously not an easy test with my score coming in at 8 out of 20 (40%)!

Take the test at CSMonitor at this link and then report your scores back here.

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Watcher's Council nominations: "Failure of leadership" Edition!

The fiscal cliff deal that passed in both the Senate and the House was a colossal failure of leadership from the Right and a masterful piece of politics from the Left!

The ultimate loser of course, as usual, are the American people who at some point in the future will pay a large price for both of these things.

An article yesterday at TPC titled "Prison lingo describing the majority of Senate and House Republicans! (Rated PG-13)" provided the "new fish" jail equivalent of the Republican legislators who bent over backwards capitulating to the Democrats.

And now without further ado, for the week of December 31, 2012, the article nominations from the Watcher's Council!

Council Submissions

Honorable Mentions

Non-Council Submissions

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Prison lingo describing the majority of Senate and House Republicans! (Rated PG-13)

Update Tuesday January 1, 2013: The Senate "fiscal cliff" bill passes in the House qualifying many House Republicans to be labeled with the term "bitch" along with the majority of their Senate counterparts!

The application of this term stems from the fiscal cliff "deal" or "compromise" passed in the Senate pending the outcome of today's action in the House! (see update above)

After the vote in the middle of the night on January 1, 2013 the US Senate, one that passed with the full agreement of the majority of Senate Republicans, a fiscal deal has been approved providing $41 in new revenue for every $1 in spending cuts.

This vote has thus given the President and the Democrats everything that they wanted out of this deal, in effect making these Senate Republicans the political version of a prison bitch.

For those of you that have never seen Oz on HBO, here is the urban dictionary description of a so-called prison bitch, and after reading it you can tell me if I am wrong!

Directions: Simply use politics in place of prison, politicians in place of inmates and political instead of sex.

HowTo:Get Along in Prison, for Wimps

Newer inmates are often controlled and dominated by more experienced prisoners in a process known as being someone's bitch. The bitch provides a happy, healthy sex life and acts as personal assistant.

Definition: Uncyclopedia
Picture source

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Great video of a "Main Street" American trying to raise his debt limit at the bank!

Raising the personal debt limit at the bank for the regular "folks" who reside on "Main Street" is not as easy as it is for the federal government!

The problem is that for ordinary citizens the bank actually wants answers to questions that just don't seem to matter for the government!

H/T Theo Spark
