Daily scoreboard

May 12th, 2009 by donsurber

1. The Pope’s speech at the Holocaust Museum is panned. He lacked fire and compassion. He’s 82. Maybe he should have break-danced for the crowd.

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You cannot win

May 12th, 2009 by donsurber

BBC: “Taking vitamins after exercise may undo some of the beneficial effects of the workout, research suggests.”

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Katy did

May 12th, 2009 by donsurber

TV Newser: Keith Olbermann’s girlfriend, Katy Tur gets a reporting gig. He said: “Anybody who suggests so is misinformed, and/or sadly unaware that in this time when the industry is collapsing around us, nobody gets a job based on ‘influence,’ only talent.”

So there!

Wikipedia 1, Journalism 0

May 12th, 2009 by donsurber

A student made up a fake quote for a composer. Wikipedia removed it. Newspapers did not.

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Coming up next: The sugar tax

May 12th, 2009 by donsurber

But instead of levying taxes on sugar and corn syrup, should we not end the subsidies first?

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Air Hypocrisy

May 12th, 2009 by donsurber

New York Post: The co-founder of Rainforest Foundation ”flew her hairstylist from New York to Washington, DC, last weekend on a private jet to do her hair and makeup for the White House Correspondents’ Dinner.”

Well, as Oprah said: “It’s great to have a private jet.”


May 12th, 2009 by donsurber

The president will “save” 3.5 million jobs next year, but more people will be unemployed.

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As the Pelosi turns

May 12th, 2009 by donsurber

Today’s excuse for going along with waterboarding: Gee, we were all scared we were going to die back then.

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Obama: Vegas is for me, not thee

May 12th, 2009 by donsurber

President Obama in February: “You can’t get corporate jets, you can’t go take a trip to Las Vegas or go down to the Super Bowl on the taxpayer’s dime.”

Guess who is flying Air Force One to Vegas…

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Just ask me

May 11th, 2009 by donsurber

Question: Why are you not jumping all over Wanda Sykes for her unfunny jokes at the White House press corps dinner?

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Hypocrite of the day

May 11th, 2009 by donsurber

Former Playboy bunny Shannon Moakler: “For us the severity of nudity in the one photo that Carrie Prejean has admitted was hers is not the issue. The fact that she entered the pageant and admitted it, is.”

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Call me Donald Emanuel

May 11th, 2009 by donsurber

Politico: “Obama’s promise of changing Washington hasn’t extended to banishing the age-old practice of giving plum posts to relatives of your top supporters — as he’s done with the relatives of a half-dozen well-connected Democrats.”

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Daily scoreboard

May 11th, 2009 by donsurber

1. Nearly half the money that President Obama will spend this year will be borrowed — $1.8 trillion — or $6,000 for every man, woman, child and illegal alien in the United States. He borrowed more money in his first 100 days than George Bush borrowed in his record-setting final year in office. Well, Obama promised quick action.

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$50 million for detainees

May 11th, 2009 by donsurber

Democratic Senate Appropriations Chairman Dan Inouye greenlights the administration’s relocation of the unlawful combatants at Gitmo — after Democratic House Appropriations Dave Obey quietly deleted the funding last week.

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Anti-Limbaugh zombies

May 11th, 2009 by donsurber

Dana Milbank of the Washington Post asked his readers to come up with their own jokes about Rush Limbaugh. From the response, I realize it is difficult to be funny when you are still angry.

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Lefty hypocrisy of the day

May 11th, 2009 by donsurber

Miss Rhode Island USA won’t lose her title for posing topless — but people wanted to take Miss California USA’s crown. (UPDATE: Donald Trump lets her stay Miss California.)

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Terrorist released

May 11th, 2009 by donsurber

AP: Lefty radical released after serving just 6 years in prison for the 1975 murder of Myrna Opsahl, a mother of four, in a bank robbery.

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Weekend update

May 11th, 2009 by donsurber

Some posts you may have missed.

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No roads for clingers

May 11th, 2009 by donsurber

President Obama excludes a rural Pennsylvania county from the stimulus bill.

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The oddest mine rescue

May 11th, 2009 by donsurber

The men in the Alpha Natural Resources coal mine were trapped, not by rocks, but by water.

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Despicable Democrats

May 11th, 2009 by donsurber

George Stephanopoulos: Some members of the staff of John Edwards now say they would have sabotaged his campaign.

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Just ask me

May 10th, 2009 by donsurber

Question: NASCAR or the NBA?

Answer: There is no contest. NASCAR stomped the NBA playoffs in a head-to-head contest on TV on Saturday night.

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Obama’s budget cuts black colleges

May 10th, 2009 by donsurber

Well, they told me if I voted for John McCain, the federal government would cut its funding to historically black colleges. I voted for John McCain — and they were right!

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Is a friend of Justice Thomas about to join him on the court?

May 10th, 2009 by donsurber

Washington Post: Georgia’s chief justice is a black, liberal activist woman — who just happens to be a friend of the justice the liberals hate the most.

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No liquor for welfare recipients

May 10th, 2009 by donsurber

A bill before the Pennsylvania legislature calls for banning the use of welfare money to buy booze.

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Daily scoreboard

May 10th, 2009 by donsurber

1. Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai is not pleased with the Obaman Surge in his country. Too many civilians are dying for his taste.

Yes, we said the same thing on Sept. 11th after people based in Afghanistan succeeded in sending a raiding party to kill nearly 3,000 of our civilians.

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D-Day is for The Won, not you

May 10th, 2009 by donsurber

Big Hollywood: President Obama has asked the French to keep the commoners off the beaches. It is unprecedented.

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No Canada

May 10th, 2009 by donsurber

Your feel-good Mother’s Day story — Canadian border guard to Michigan woman: People on welfare shouldn’t go on vacation.

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Not necessarily good news

May 10th, 2009 by donsurber

Gen David Petraeus: Al Qaeda No Longer Operating in Afghanistan.

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Will Obama violate the Geneva Conventions?

May 10th, 2009 by donsurber

The release of CIA interrogation photographs may be seen by the New York Times as a violation of the Geneva Conventions.

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Bush roasted, Obama toasted

May 10th, 2009 by donsurber

President Obama at last night’s tribute to him by the White House press corps: “Most of you covered me; all of you voted for me. Apologies to the Fox table.”

When Bush said you are either with us or against us, he meant terrorists, not the Loyal Opposition…