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Carter Calls for Gun Owners to Secure their Firearms

Carter Calls for Gun Owners to Secure their Firearms

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Americans of all political stripes and beliefs on gun issues should agree on one immediate reform following the tragic Connecticut shootings last week – the need for responsible gun owners to secure their firearms from misuse or abuse by others, according to Congressman John Carter (R-TX31).

“We have a constitutional right to keep and bear arms that cannot be questioned,” Carter says, “but we also have a personal responsibility as gun owners to make certain that our firearms are stored securely, and not available to anyone without our express permission and supervision.  From the hearsay evidence we read in the press, had the firearms in question in this case not been available to the shooter, this tragedy would likely have been avoided.  As individuals, we can’t undo what happened, but we can examine whether we personally have done everything possible to make sure it never happens with any firearm in our possession.”

Carter called for all American gun owners to immediately secure their weapons with safes, gun locks, and other means to insure that mentally unstable individuals, children, burglars, or any other unauthorized person cannot gain access to their firearm. 

“We don’t have to pass a law to start this reform, we simply need every gun owner, gun store, and shooting organization to take personal action today to better secure our firearms,” says Carter.