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Executive Biographies

Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Eric K. Shinseki

Eric K. Shinseki

The Secretary of Veterans Affairs is responsible for administering benefit programs for veterans, their families, and their survivors. Under the direction of the President, the Secretary exercises authority, direction and control over the Department of Veterans Affairs. The Secretary is a member of the President's Cabinet.

Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs

W. Scott Gould

W. Scott Gould

The Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs serves as the chief operating officer. He is responsible for a nationwide system of health care services, benefits programs, and national cemeteries for America's veterans and their dependents.

Biography   Speeches

Biography    Speeches

Chief of Staff

John R. Gingrich

John R. Gingrich

The Chief of Staff works closely with the Secretary and Deputy Secretary in managing day-to-day operations of the Department of Veterans Affairs.


Senior Leaders

Roger W. Baker

Roger W. Baker

Assistant Secretary for Information and Technology

Michael Cardarelli

Michael Cardarelli

Principal Deputy Under Secretary for Benefits

W. Todd Grams

W. Todd Grams

Executive in Charge for the Office of Management and Chief Financial Officer

Will A. Gunn

Will A. Gunn

General Counsel

Glenn D. Haggstrom

Glenn D. Haggstrom

Principal Executive Director, Office of Acquisition, Logistics, and Construction

Allison A. Hickey

Allison A. Hickey

Under Secretary for Benefits

Robert L. Jesse

Robert L. Jesse

Principal Deputy Under Secretary for Health

Robert L. Jesse

Steven L. Keller

Acting Chairman, Board of Veterans' Appeals

Peter L. Levin

Peter L. Levin

Senior Advisor to the Secretary, and Chief Technology Officer

Joan M. Mooney

Joan M. Mooney

Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Legislative Affairs

Steve L. Muro

Steve L. Muro

Under Secretary for
Memorial Affairs

George J. Opfer

George J. Opfer

Inspector General

Raul Perea-Henze

Raul Perea-Henze

Assistant Secretary for Policy and Planning

Robert A. Petzel

Robert A. Petzel

Under Secretary for Health

Jose D. Riojas

Jose D. Riojas

Assistant Secretary for Operations, Security and Preparedness

Tommy Sowers

Tommy Sowers

Assistant Secretary for Public and Intergovernmental Affairs

Rafael Torres

Rafael Torres

Acting Assistant Secretary for HR&A