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Kaiser Health Tracking Poll

The Kaiser Family Foundation is continuing its 12-year tradition of bi-monthly surveys tracking the public’s experiences in the health care system, their ranking of health as a policy priority, and their views on health care reform options.

Results from each tracking poll are available below. You may also use an interactive infographic to examine how specific groups feel about the law and how those opinions have changed or not changed over time.  Other Kaiser polls are available online


Reports,  Studies  and Toplines IconNovember 2012 Tracking Poll

Reports,  Studies  and Toplines IconOctober 2012 Tracking Poll

Reports,  Studies  and Toplines IconSeptember 2012 Tracking Poll

Reports,  Studies  and Toplines IconAugust 2012 Tracking Poll

Reports,  Studies  and Toplines IconJuly 2012 Tracking Poll

Reports,  Studies  and Toplines IconJune 2012 Tracking Poll: Early Reaction to Supreme Court Decision on ACA

Reports,  Studies  and Toplines Icon May 2012 Tracking Poll

Reports,  Studies  and Toplines Icon April 2012 Tracking Poll

Reports,  Studies  and Toplines Icon March 2012 Tracking Poll

Reports,  Studies  and Toplines Icon February 2012 Tracking Poll

Reports,  Studies  and Toplines Icon January 2012 Tracking Poll


Reports,  Studies  and Toplines Icon December 2011 Tracking Poll

Surveys Icon November 2011 Tracking Poll

Surveys Icon October 2011 Tracking Poll

Reports,  Studies  and Toplines Icon September 2011 Tracking Poll

Reports,  Studies  and Toplines Icon August 2011 Tracking Poll

Reports,  Studies  and Toplines Icon July 2011 Tracking Poll

Reports,  Studies  and Toplines Icon June 2011 Tracking Poll

Surveys Icon May 2011 Tracking Poll

Reports,  Studies  and Toplines Icon April 2011 Tracking Poll

Reports,  Studies  and Toplines Icon March 2011 Tracking Poll

Reports,  Studies  and Toplines Icon February 2011 Tracking Poll



Poll Icon December 2010 Tracking Poll

Poll Icon November 2010 Tracking Poll

Poll Icon October 2010 Tracking Poll

Poll Icon September 2010 Tracking Poll

Issue Brief Icon August 2010 Tracking Poll

Issue Brief Icon July 2010 Tracking Poll

Issue Brief Icon June 2010 Tracking Poll

Issue Brief Icon May 2010 Tracking Poll

Reports,  Studies  and Toplines Icon April 2010 Tracking Poll

Issue Brief Icon March 2010 Tracking Poll

Issue Brief Icon February 2010 Tracking Poll

Issue Brief Icon January 2010 Tracking Poll



Surveys Icon December 2009 Tracking Poll

Surveys Icon November 2009 Tracking Poll

Issue Brief Icon October 2009 Tracking Poll

Issue Brief Icon September 2009 Tracking Poll

Reports,  Studies  and Toplines Icon August 2009 Tracking Poll

Issue Brief Icon July 2009 Tracking Poll

Reports,  Studies  and Toplines Icon June 2009 Tracking Poll

Reports,  Studies  and Toplines Icon April 2009 Tracking Poll

Surveys Icon February 2009 Tracking Poll



Surveys Icon October 2008 Tracking Poll

Surveys Icon September 2008 Tracking Poll

Surveys Icon August 2008 Tracking Poll

Surveys Icon June 2008 Tracking Poll

Surveys Icon April 2008 Tracking Poll

Surveys Icon March 2008 Tracking Poll



Surveys Icon December 2007 Tracking Poll

Surveys Icon October 2007 Tracking Poll

Surveys Icon August 2007 Tracking Poll

Surveys Icon June 2007 Tracking Poll

Surveys Icon March 2007 Tracking Poll


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