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  • 35 years of helping to reduce U.S. deficit
  • A bright year for renewable resources
  • Investing in better harvests
  • Expanding a successful program for small businesses

The U.S. Government's Development Finance Institution

OPIC mobilizes private capital to help solve critical development challenges and in doing so, advances U.S. foreign policy. Because OPIC works with the U.S. private sector, it helps U.S. businesses gain footholds in emerging markets, catalyzing revenues, jobs and growth opportunities both at home and abroad. OPIC achieves its mission by providing investors with financing, guarantees, political risk insurance, and support for private equity investment funds. more information
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Project Highlights

Featured photo: Santa Catarina wind farm in Mexico

clock Tue, 01 Jan 2013     comments Comments

An anemometer measures wind speeds at the construction site of the 20 megawatt Santa Catarina wind farm outside of Monterrey, Mexico. The wind farm is one of the investments of the OPIC-supported Latin Power III, an investment fund focused on energy and infrastructure projects in Latin America and the Caribbean.
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  • BITC's International Award Winner
    Through a $350M partnership with OPIC, Citigroup has developed new financial capabilities which enable new distribution models to access microentrepreneurs in developing markets. learn more
  • Global Housing Microfinance Fund
    At the 2012 CGI Annual Meeting, Habitat for Humanity International CEO John Reckford discusses Microbuild - a global mirofinance fund providing housing finance to low income families. learn more
  • The federal budget and foreign aid
    How much of the federal budget does the U.S. spend on foreign aid? A lot less than most Americans think. learn more

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Working With Us

OPIC provides financial products such as loans and guaranties, political risk insurance, and support for investment funds, all of which help American businesses expand into emerging markets. From offering long-term lending to protecting against the risks of political instability, OPIC’s products are uniquely tailored to assist the private sector in some of the world’s most challenging places. learn more

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  • More and more people see OPIC as a key part of America’s international economic policy – and its support as something that can come together quickly. In priority after priority, OPIC has an increasingly central role to play in generating support for investment.
    -Michael Froman, Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economic Affairs
  • We’re changing how we define development… we need to harness all the tools at our disposal – from our diplomacy to our trade and investment policies.
    -President Barack Obama
  • OPIC is one of the most innovative and effective U.S. Government agencies in developing climate finance while leveraging private investment.
    -Todd Stern, U.S. Special Envoy for Climate Change
  • We know that small firms are at the heart of the American economy. We are here to help them become part of the global economy as well.
    -OPIC President and CEO, Elizabeth Littlefield
  • The OPIC approach is the most effective way to support sustainable development because it deploys a private market entrepreneurship and discipline. It is the most efficient way to conduct development policy because it is self-financing and actually generates income for the American taxpayer and the federal budget.
    -OPIC President and CEO, Elizabeth Littlefield

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