Cohen Receives 100 Percent on Alliance for Retired Americans Scorecard for 2011

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Steve Cohen (D-TN-9) received a perfect score on the Alliance for Retired Americans Congressional Scorecard for the first session of the 112th Congress. Congressman Cohen was the only member of the Tennessee Congressional delegation to receive a perfect score. This is the second consecutive year Congressman Cohen earned a perfect score from the Alliance for Retired Americans.

This year, Medicare and Social Security have come under attack at a time when seniors and the Baby Boomers planning for retirement need assurances that the programs they’ve paid into for their entire working lives will be there when they retire,” Congressman Cohen said. “I’m proud that the Alliance has recognized my efforts to protect these core retiree programs, and I will continue to work to make sure that working people have the secure future that they’ve earned.

The Alliance for Retired Americans is a nationwide nonprofit organization affiliated with the AFL-CIO that works to “ensure social and economic justice and full civil rights for all citizens so that they may enjoy lives of dignity, personal and family fulfillment and security.” Re-launched in 2001, it is the successor to the National Council of Senior Citizens, which was instrumental in working toward the passage of the Medicare program. Over the past 10 years, the group has grown to four million members with a primary objective to enroll and mobilize retired trade union members and other seniors and community activists into a nationwide grassroots movement advocating a progressive political and social agenda that respects work and strengthens families.

The Alliance for Retired Americans 2011 Voting Record evaluates Members of Congress on the basis of their votes on healthcare reform, homeowner’s assistance, and safeguarding the guarantees of Medicare and Social Security to seniors today and to future generations. A copy of the ARA Congressional Voting Record and a document outlining its criteria are linked below.
