Figure 2: Price Indexes for Brand-Name Drugs Used by Medicare Part D Beneficiaries in the Coverage Gap and by Those Who Did Not Reach the Gap in 2011

    This image is excerpted from a U.S. GAO report:

    MEDICARE PART D COVERAGE GAP: Discount Program Effects and Brand-Name Drug Price Trends

    Note: The price indexes are for two baskets of high-expenditure brand-name drugs that were used by Medicare Part D beneficiaries who did not receive a low-income subsidy (LIS). Drugs can be high expenditure based on their price and utilization. The index values of 136.2 and 154.1 indicate increases of 36.2 and 54.1 percent in the median prices for the basket of brand-name drugs used by Medicare Part D beneficiaries in the coverage gap in 2011, from January 2007 to December 2010 and from January 2007 to December 2011. The index values of 135.2 and 153.1 indicate increases of 35.2 and 53.1 percent in the median price for the basket of brand-name drugs used by beneficiaries who did not reach the coverage gap in 2011, from January 2007 to December 2010 and from January 2007 to December 2011.

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