Feminist Philosophers

News feminist philosophers can use

Hasbro Steps Up December 23, 2012

Filed under: gendered products — philodaria @ 2:05 am

In response to a petition started by McKenna Pope, Hasbro will soon be revealing a new model of the Easy-Bake Oven (which will be black and silver) and has pledged to start marketing the toy in a more gender-neutral way.



Filed under: ageing,aging,appearance,autonomy,glbt,Uncategorized — annejjacobson @ 12:22 am

Seventeen is a magazine that tries to cater for late teen tastes.  I used to look at it occasionally when I was a teen, and so when I was trapped waiting for 45 min for a friend, I decided to take a look at its prom issue.  I could divide the comments in my head into two types:

From long ago:  1.  Some of these dresses look like night gowns; do you want to go to the prom in your underwear?

( a bit of a non-sequitur, but you get the idea)

2.  Thank goodness some of them are not strapless.

(the nuns would roam around with muslim muslin and safety pins to cover up an immodest girl.)

And then voices from the present century:

1.  Some of the dresses are sized 2-18 and others go as large as 24.  Fabulous.

2.  Big bottoms are clearly allowed and maybe even enouraged.  Yea!  (When I was buying Seventeen, we – already poorly endowed white women/girls – all wore girdles.)

3.  No more photoshopping of bodies, Seventeen says, and that’s actually likely.   Plus-size models are genuinely plus.  Hooray!

The down side:  the burning questions of today look awfully like those of the 50′s and 60′, which means way too many of them are about how he will react to you/her.   Gay couples don’t have any  problems??  There are no important problems that don’t have to do with sex?

O, Tra-la-la.  Life is deliciously trivial


The Sunday cat asks that everyone take a deep breath and then say December 22, 2012

Filed under: cats,Uncategorized — annejjacobson @ 11:49 pm

AAAwwwwwwwwww!  New angelic messengers!

These were born at the Yalta Zoo in Ukraine.

We featured white lion cubs before; see here.


GCC Doubleheader

Filed under: gendered conference campaign — philodaria @ 2:48 pm

From the APA’s Committee on Public Philosophy.

CPP Book Signing and Panel Organized for the Eastern Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association

Book Signing:

At the December 2012 Eastern Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association in Atlanta, GA, the Committee on Public Philosophy will host a book signing event on December 29, 2012, from 2-4 PM in Imperial Ballroom B at the Marriott Marquis in Atlanta, GA.

Five philosophers are participating and have written books that show the impact of philosophy on public life. They include

John Lachs, Stoic Pragmatism
Jeremy Wisnewski (with R.D. Emerick), The Ethics of Torture
John Shook, The God Debates
Carlin Romano, America the Philosophical
Robert Talisse, Democracy and Moral Conflict.

Each author will say a few words about writing for the public about pressing philosophical matters and will then meet visitors and sign books available for purchase (cash or check). Come meet the authors and enjoy some philosophical discussions. You can also read our initial press release about this event here, which includes a brief summary of each book.


We are also sponsoring the following panel featuring Jim Sterba’s work:

“Can Moral and Political Philosophy Really Provide a Foundation for Public Policy or is it Question-Begging All Around? A Panel on Jim Sterba’s Work”

Sunday, December 30th, 9:00-11:00 a.m., Session VI-J, Room TBA @ the conference

David Cummiskey (Bates College)
John Lachs (Vanderbilt University)
James Sterba (University of Notre Dame)
Moderator: Eric Thomas Weber (University of Mississippi)

For information on the Gendered Conference Campaign, see our GCC page and our GCC FAQ page.


Are you irresistible? You can be fired for that.

Filed under: appearance,law,work — philodaria @ 1:13 am

I’m no legal scholar, but it strikes me as wrong (on so many levels) that you could be fired because some one else can’t keep their libido in check.

A dentist acted legally when he fired an assistant that he found attractive simply because he and his wife viewed the woman as a threat to their marriage, the all-male Iowa Supreme Court ruled Friday.

The court ruled 7-0 that bosses can fire employees they see as an “irresistible attraction,” even if the employees have not engaged in flirtatious behavior or otherwise done anything wrong. Such firings may be unfair, but they are not unlawful discrimination under the Iowa Civil Rights Act because they are motivated by feelings and emotions, not gender, Justice Edward Mansfield wrote.

Read the full story here.


CFP: World Congress of Philosophy December 21, 2012

Filed under: CFP — philodaria @ 4:13 am

Join the World Congress of Philosophy at Athens, August 4-10, 2013.

We encourage to send papers concerning the HISTORY OF WOMEN PHILOSOPHERS to section 29, PHILOSOPHICAL APPROACHES TO GENDER which is co-chaired by Herta Nagl-Docekal.

Deadline March 1, 2013.

Papers should not exceed 6 pages in length.

Submission guidelines, here.


Judith Jarvis Thomson honored by APA December 19, 2012

Filed under: awards,Uncategorized — TI @ 8:48 pm

JJTHere’s a good news story. Judith Jarvis Thomson has been awarded the American Philosophical Association’s Quinn Prize for her lifelong contributions to philosophy and philosophers. Read more about this well-deserved honor to a great woman in philosophy here.

Big congratulations to you, Judy Thomson, from the Feminist Philosophers!



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