Keeping Lines of Communication Open

Aug 30, 2012

Every August, Congress adjourns for five weeks to give lawmakers a chance to spend an extended period of time in their districts.  This time is especially valuable in a district as geographically diverse as the Third District as it provides an opportunity to travel throughout the district, meet with Nebraskans, answer questions, and, most importantly, listen to your thoughts and concerns on the issues facing our country.

Access to one’s elected officials is an essential element of our democracy, and I always enjoy meeting with and listening to fellow Nebraskans.  I have continued to host open houses, mobile office hours, and roundtable discussions across the Third District during this time period.  I hope to connect with as many Nebraskans as possible, but if we do not have an opportunity to talk in-person, my office offers resources to stay informed on what is happening in Washington, and to let me know what you think.

I encourage all Third District residents to visit my online office at to receive the latest policy news, information on public events, and discover what services are available. 

As your representative, hearing directly from you helps me do my job.  On the website, you can tell me your opinion or ask a question by sending me an e-mail, which you also can do anytime by e-mailing me at  For instance, I have added a new section where you can submit your story of how government regulations are affecting you or your business.

You also can sign-up for my e-mail newsletter to receive breaking news, online surveys, and other updates.  The e-newsletter ensures you receive timely information from my office in an easy-to-read format.  If you would like to subscribe to my e-mail list, please visit:

I also host telephone town hall meetings regularly.  These calls are a convenient way to stay in touch with folks from all corners of the Third District from the comfort of your phone.  To sign-up to be called for every telephone town hall meeting, please send me an e-mail through the website with your name, street address (including zip code), and telephone number.

Finally, I recently launched a Twitter handle: @RepAdrianSmith.  Twitter is another way to keep the lines of communication open, and allows you to receive updates in real time on the internet, smart phone applications, or by text message.  Even if you don’t use Twitter, you can view my latest posts at:

However you choose to communicate, it is important to stay engaged in the democratic process.  Your input not only helps me to best represent you in Congress, but also ensures an informed public which enriches and improves our government.  As always, I look forward to hearing from you.
