Smith Fights For Rural Hospitals

Dec 12, 2012 Issues: Health Care


Congressman Adrian Smith (R-NE) sent a letter to Acting Administrator Marilyn Tavenner of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) expressing concern about the effect of stricter physician supervision requirements on rural health care providers, especially critical access hospitals (CAHs).

“Requiring all critical access hospitals to have a physician present for nearly all outpatient procedures no matter how simple is not only unnecessary, but also may limit access to basic services for rural communities and could further discourage physicians from seeking positions in rural America,” said Smith.  “It is my hope CMS will more seriously consider the effects of this rule on small rural health care facilities and continue allowing practitioners the discretion and flexibility they need to manage care for their patients.”

Smith’s letter was signed by 16 additional Members of Congress from both political parties.  Nebraska’s Third District leads the nation with 48 critical access hospitals.

A PDF copy of the letter can be viewed by clicking here.