Increase customer satisfaction! Optimize your website with etracker Visitor Motion!

Visitor Motion

Mouse tracking with etracker

  • What is visible for your users?
  • What do they recognise?
  • How do they find their way?

etracker Visitor Motion gives you the answers in the form of a video or overlay map projected directly on to your website.

More information »

Make the most of your website

Origin, search terms, click paths, Web 2.0 events

Online marketing/ROAS controlling, shopping carts

Trend analyses, A/B comparisons, commitment

Business sector benchmarks, GfK reports, mobile analytics

Promotext für Web Analytics (ggf. mit direktem Link)

Free trial: Web Analytics

Ask your visitors specifically
about how they enjoyed
their visit.

Find out about their goals and sociodemography.

You receive recommendations for optimisation measures automatically.

Carry out targeted surveys of specific visitor groups.

Give your visitors a
feedback channel.

Get recommendations on how to improve each page.

Identify unsatisfactory pages at the touch of a button.

Optimize usability, content and look & feel in a targeted way.

Record mouse movements and form entries.

View recorded visits as a movie or as an overlay map directly on your website.

See how far down the page your visitors scroll.

Find out what users
actually read.

Cross channel
marketing analyses

Highly integrated SEM analyses,
indicator comparison ROI/ ROAS

Easy configuration
of individual reports

Analysis of all
campaign contact points

Feature 1

Feature 2

Promo 1

Promo 1

Web Analytics

What happens
at you website?

Real-time visitor analyses & campaign controlling

Visitor Voice

How satisfied are your
website visitors?

Suggestions for optimisation
through visitor surveys

Page Feedback

How do visitors rate
your website?

Visitor feedback
for each page

Visitor Motion

What do your
visitors perceive?

Mouse tracking for
user experience analysis

Campaign Control

How effective are your
multi channel campagins?

Multi channel
marketing controlling

Web-Controlling 3.0
etracker Conversion Optimisation Suite

Get groundbreaking insights from a combination of quantitative and qualitative analyses.
Web Analytics tells you what happens on your website. Visitor Voice tells you why.
Page Feedback tells you where it happened and Visitor Motion tells you how.
Try all etracker products for 21 days, free of charge!


Your personal contact

Thomas Stark
Sales Manager

phone: +49 40 55 56 59 56
fax: +49 40 55 56 59 59

We have more than 110,000 satisfied clients, including

  • Telekom, Air Berlin, Jack Wolfskin, Lufthansa Worldshop, Henkel, Loctite, Burger King, Konica Minolta, United Domains
"etracker is our first choice when it comes to monitoring our website." - Alexander Helm, united domains AGOther references »


Mon-Thu 9.00am - 6.00pm CET
Fri 9.00am - 5.00pm CET
Phone: +49 40 55 56 59 77

Becoming a partner

Steigern Sie den Online-Erfolg ihrer Kunden und werden Sie etracker Partner.

Discover the advantages offered by a partnership with etracker.
Read about the advantages offered by a partnership »



etracker's Web Analytics solutions have won a number of awards.
Our awards »


Thomas Stark
Phone: +49 40 55 56 59 56

Real-time Webanalytics instead of Logfile-Analysis, free counter or visitorcounter

Increase your success online with premium website analysis, campaign monitoring and live web analytics. Save resources, time and money with our inexpensive SaaS outsourcing solutions.

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Contact (English & German) Sales Team
phone: +49 40 55 56 59 56

Technical Support
phone: +49 40 55 56 59 77