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Please consult your webmaster"); if(pg_flyerboard_node) = "none"; } else { var textToCheck = pg_link_node.innerHTML; if(textToCheck.indexOf("") == -1) { alert("Flyerboard code has been altered. Please consult your webmaster"); if(pg_flyerboard_node) = "none"; } } }); } //keep track of all hidden elements, so that we can rehide them later var PG_elements_to_hide = PG_elements_to_hide || null; /* Hide all other objects/embeds so as to avoid layering issue. */ var hide_other_objects = function() { return; PG_elements_to_hide = $pg_jq('object:visible,embed:visible'); if(PG_elements_to_hide) { PG_elements_to_hide.css("visibility", "hidden"); } }; /* Once flyerviewer is closed, resume showing all other objects -- assuming they weren't already hidden */ var show_other_objects = function() { return; if(PG_elements_to_hide) { PG_elements_to_hide.css("visibility", "visible"); } }; var $pg_jq = $pg_jq || null; var PG_fancybox_loading = PG_fancybox_loading || null; var PG_clicked = PG_clicked || false; var PG_delayed_click_id = PG_delayed_click_id || false; var PG_preloaded = PG_preloaded || false; var PG_CDN_ASSET_URL = PG_CDN_ASSET_URL || ''; var PG_interval4188 = PG_interval4188 || null; 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