Accountability Clips

The Last Time Senate Democrats Passed a Budget...

Washington, Jan 19, 2012 - January 24, 2012 marks the 1,000th day without a budget from Senate Democrats. The last time they passed a budget, you had never heard of the iPad. Tiger Woods was only known for his golfing abilities. General Motors had never declared bankruptcy. You had never heard of Swine Flu. And the national debt was $4 trillion smaller than it is today.

When Republicans took over the House last year, passing a budget was one of the first things we did. We’re trying to solve problems, cut the crazy spending, and stop the reckless borrowing. We’re trying to cut, cap, and balance the budget.

In the real world, there are limits to how much families and businesses can spend. They have to budget. So the question is, when will Senate Democrats join the real world?


Congressman Jim Jordan is Chairman of the Republican Study Committee (RSC).

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