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Jack urges action to avert the fiscal cliff
Posted by Legislative Staff on December 20, 2012
In case you missed it, Jack spoke on the House floor this afternoon legislative action to avert the fiscal cliff:

Jack believes we are better served when debates such as these are decentralized and in the open allowing all 535 Members of Congress to work together on behalf of representative government instead of relying solely on centralized, closed-door negotiations.
The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • 12/20/12 08/31/10 False
    Nelson from St Marys commented on 12/20/2012
    Jack the only thing better would have been a 15% reduction in all social programs. Being retired military and on social security I would be willing to reduce my benefits by 10% but only if the deadbeats are told to go to work or starve to death. Keep up the good fight!
  • 12/20/12 08/31/10 False
    Michael from Coughlin commented on 12/20/2012
    I hear you and I support you, Jack. Hopefully the other members of Congress will, too.
  • 12/20/12 08/31/10 False
    Tim from Savannah commented on 12/20/2012
    Good job ... Don't cave in
  • 12/20/12 08/31/10 False
    Jim from Savannah commented on 12/20/2012
    We (the seniors own the Social Security and Medicare) that we have paid into for the last 50+ years so Congress need to keep their hands off of it.
  • 12/20/12 08/31/10 False
    Dennis from Hinesville commented on 12/20/2012
    What have you done to help the President, help us who are trying to get into the middle class? We lost the election because of our policies!!! It's high time to capitulate on taxes for the RICH NOW, and worry about the deficit down the road when the economy picks up!!! We know that the economy will pick up with stimulus spending on infrastructure !!!!!!
  • 12/21/12 08/31/10 False
    J. Stroehlein from Blackshear commented on 12/21/2012
    No vote. The spineless establishment GOP is pathetic. You have been sucking at the government tit for much too long. You and your fellow career politicians of both parties are less than worthless. Sending out an email on a vote that never took place makes you look like the fool you are.
  • 12/21/12 08/31/10 False
    Ginger from Savannah commented on 12/21/2012
    Mr. Kingston, In the Republicans’ attempt to keep wealthy people from contributing to running the country, you are taking from the rest of us by “reducing spending” on critical items, like $2,500 deduction for children reduced to $1,000. That’s just one item on your list that hurts all of us so that the wealthy can sit in their towers counting their money. Remember that you are representing Savannah now, and Obama won in Chatham County. Please pay attention to what is best for the country and acknowledge that “trickle-down economics” does not work. I watched your speech, and I disagree with most of what you said. Obama does not “own” the problems in this country. You Republicans try to simplify everything by pointing a finger toward the most trustworthy entity we have looking out for the common good. Why didn't you point a finger at the true problem causers. Please examine your stand on the issues and look honestly at what you are trying to do: Rob from the poor to pay the rich. Thank you, Ginger Miles Savannah, GA
  • 12/21/12 08/31/10 False
    tommy from savannah commented on 12/21/2012
    1.how about cut all foriegn aid for now, until we get control over our own affairs. 2.then if affairs ever get in order all foriegn countries seeking our help can fill out an application and if they meet some specific requirements they might can get back on that bandwagon. 3.any welfare distributed to US citizens must pass drug tests on a monthly basis before ever receiving any money. 4.all US companies that decided to go overseas or to ANY foreign land for cheap and sometimes illeagal labor must pay a very high tax for doing so. make it better for those jobs to be here. the more jobs here the more money here the more spending here the better an economy we eill have.HERE! 5.it is not a game...it is supposed to mean something to be an American...this needs to be revived...this must happen...or we will fail.
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