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Abby Rogers

Abby Rogers Reporter, Law & Order

Reporter, Law & Order

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What Legal Industry Crisis? One Houston Firm Is Paying First-Years A Staggering Salary

More than big-city lawyers make ...

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Hawaii Could Be The Next State To Legalize Pot

Pot gains more supporters.

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Woman Says She Loves James Holmes Even Though He Might Be A Killer

“He is not an animal."

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Lawyer Defends His Fees And Explains Why Pro Bono Work Hurts His Career

Lawyers can't live "on love alone."

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BigLaw Partner Charged With Providing Alcohol To Underage Daughter And Friends

One heck of a New Year's Eve party.

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Finally, A Smart Argument To Ignore The Stats And Go To Law School Anyway

"What else are you going to do with yourself?"

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One Student Shot At California School; Suspected Gunman Arrested

It's happened again.

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Self-Professed 'Gun Nut' Found Shot In The Head In Georgia

Ran a firearms YouTube channel.

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A Conservative Watchdog Is Fighting To See Pictures Of Osama Bin Laden's Dead Body

Obama says pictures aren't trophies.

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NYT Columnist: The NRA Is A Fear Monger And Not A 'Rights' Group

"They prey on public fears."

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Moving To NYC Is A Bad Decision For Most Young Lawyers

Head to the Lone Star State.

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Judge Sides With School Policy That Requires Students To Wear Tracking Devices

One student called the device "the mark of the beast."

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Law Student Slams Recruiters For Being Total Hypocrites

Stop being so "sloppy."

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Students Are Finally Realizing Law School Might Be A Terrible Idea

Future students are fleeing.

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