
188th Fighter Wing - Heart of the Region

CongressmanWomackCongressmanWomack·105 videos
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Published on Aug 22, 2012

"Heart of the Region" talks about the importance of the 188th Fighter Wing to the Fort Smith area and its people.

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  • VN70

    As a kid my coach flew from here and took pictures of the missiles in Cuba. I've lost count of all the places they went since then but basically they have been more like the regulars than the National Guard for many years now. For missing perhaps half the time with their families and the risk being everything they now get blown out of the sky in a budget battle? What makes someone think we won't need them as much if not more in the next 40 years? Lets cut out some of the free stuff instead!


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  • MrBlackig

    The BEST of the Best!


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