January 7, 2013

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Reporter: Associated Press

Local Congressmen Sign Letter Stating Rice is Unfit to Head State Dept

WASHINGTON -- A group of 97 House Republicans say U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice misled the nation about the attack on the consulate in Libya, disqualifying her as a candidate for secretary of state.

In a letter to President Barack Obama organized by South Carolina freshman Jeff Duncan, the Republicans say Rice would undermine U.S. credibility abroad if selected to succeed Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The letter added to the confrontation between Republican Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham, who have promised to block Rice from getting the job, and Obama, who said last week that the attacks on Rice were outrageous.

Rice has been criticized for saying shortly after the September attack in Benghazi that it grew out of a spontaneous protest rather than an act of terrorism.

Note: Bill Flores (TX-17), Kevin Brady (TX-8) and Michael McCaul (TX-10) were among those who signed the letter.

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