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Mashable Post: Free Video Messaging Tool Helps the Kids (hint: your kids can send messages to Santa)
@ninagarin yeah I noted to @abull yesterday that the Friars rd ext off 163 wasn't backed up & it was rush hour the last Fri before xmas
my best friend's boyfriend just sent me a Loopt friend request...guess he wants to keep tabs on her when she's with me :)
@DowntownRob too's like @abull & @jbruin the early years...maybe a flashback scene needed in Jenn2.0? ;)
last night @abull & I auditioned to be cohosts of a San Diego sex show a la Love the light of day that just seems odd, mistake?!?
I cannot believe what I just did...I'm openly going to humilate myself at some future point in time :/
ugh having annoying internet connectivity issues today...time warner/road runner please work it out!!!
@cwestbrook I completely disagree, Qwitter was extremely useful when it was working...I want to follow people who follow me, simple
@danielzev haha (I love that episode of Seinfeld) we definitely do need an epic race that I'm sure a female would win!
totally awesome and honest comment on previous 12sec video related to men & their silly egos
oh wow just noticed that Disqus has been mislabeling some really good comments as spam...including one from @WarrenWhitlock last night :/
gonna make some coffee in the french press cause I need it!! secretly wondering if @downtownrob is doing better or worse than me this AM
display ads are here to stay, $9 billion spent in 2007, Impact Engine capitalizes on the market
@chrisabad I can't take pictures that would be creepy stalker behavior...but next time you're in sd you can stop by and see for yourself :)
angie's neighbor seems to be practicing her routine...we have cause to believe she's a cheetah girl not of the Disney variety
holy moly 37 of my facebook friends are online right now...are we all updating our status?
@shindotv not sure...but it sounds like they pay for water & the roomie drinks too much when she should be getting water at school?!?
at CBTL and listening to two women complain about their respective roommates...I guess one bad roomie drinks too much water...who knew?
RT @Sharonfeder: Great roundup of baby blogging services from @jbruin ( ) (@Mashable) - thx Sharon!!
@chicklitgurrl wow thank you so much for the HUGE compliment...much appreciated


Biz Stone Tony Stubblebine Evan Williams Jason Cosper Wayne Sutton Mack D. Male Mr Messina Paul Terry Walhus Jerry BJ Cook (jeff)isageek Hiten Shah Jason Calacanis Daniel Johnson, Jr. Josh Hallett Chris Brogan Bill Palmer Doug Haslam Jim Long Philip Campbell Robert MacEwan Alex de Carvalho Brian Solis Gregarious Andy Kaufman Pico Seno Lee LeFever Snook  Chris Heuer Mickipedia Robert Scoble scott hober Teresa Valdez Klein just me Melissa
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