Fitzpatrick Makes Lower Taxes Permanent for 99% of Taxpayers


WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick (PA-08) voted tonight to make lower taxes permanent for 99% of American taxpayers, ending a climate of uncertainty which has plagued  8th District families and small businesses for months.  
"In August 2012, I voted to extend tax rates and other tax provisions for all taxpayers - a measure which the Senate refused to take up.  Throughout the fiscal cliff debate, my number one priority has been to maintain the lowest rates possible for the greatest number of taxpayers.  My vote tonight makes lower taxes permanent for 99% of taxpayers."
"As the only Member of Congress to introduce an amendment to the compromise Senate bill aimed at providing greater protections for small businesses, I continue to pursue pro-growth policies that will generate a real and lasting recovery.  I will continue to fight for reduced spending while protecting and strengthening entitlements.  For example, successful efforts like my bill tonight to maintain the pay freeze for federal government employees – including members of Congress and the Administration - are a step in the right direction."