REED FRUSTRATED WITH RISING GAS PRICES; Renews call for domestic energy plan to lower reliance on Middle East oil

Apr 2, 2012 Issues: Economy and Jobs, Energy

Noting that Americans are feeling greater pain at the pump every day as they fill their gas tanks, Congressman Tom Reed today renewed his call for a domestic energy plan to lower U.S. reliance on Middle East oil. “I filled up Saturday as we were driving to our town hall meetings and paid more than four dollars per gallon for gasoline for my Buick,” Reed said. “Every day, rising fuel costs take a bigger bite out of people’s wallets.”

Reed noted that the price American families pay for gasoline has more than doubled since 2009, and besides the cost of filling gas tanks, higher fuel prices drive up transportation charges and the price of all consumer goods.

“We have to cut our reliance on Middle East oil so that domestic prices are less influenced by demand in China, disruptions in the supply chain and speculation on the world market,” Reed observed. “A domestic energy plan which increases energy production will help hardworking Americans pay lower prices and keep the economic benefits here at home instead of sending them overseas. There has been literally 40 years of talk about this since the Department of Energy was created. It is years past time to get serious about domestic energy production.”    

Reed is working with colleagues on an all-inclusive energy plan to lower America’s dependence on Middle East oil. The plan will take an “all of the above” approach including domestic fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas as well as alternative fuel sources including wind, solar, biomass, geothermal, and hydrogen.

“In addition to lowering the cost of gasoline, a domestic energy plan means jobs,” Reed predicted. “American industry can blossom if we bring the cost of energy down by producing it here rather than importing it from the Middle East.”

Reed also expressed frustration that there are 27 jobs-related bills, including five that deal with domestic energy production, which have passed in the House but haven’t even been considered in the Senate.  The energy bills include the Jobs and Energy Permitting Act, Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act, Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act, Energy Tax Prevention Act and Reversing President Obama's Offshore Moratorium Act.

“All we get is talk, but no action,” Reed lamented. “It’s time for real leadership for our energy future.”

