JACKSONVILLE, FL. – Congressman Ander Crenshaw, a member of the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, today (6/15) lauded Navy Secretary Ray Mabus’s announcement that the United States Navy has accelerated its ARG homeporting schedule and will bring the USS New York (LPD) to Naval Station Mayport in the last quarter of 2013.

Crenshaw joined Navy Secretary Mabus, Jacksonville Mayor Alvin Brown, and Navy officials at Naval Station Mayport on Friday, June 15 for the announcement, which took place on Alpha Wharf in front of the USS Phillipine Sea. Mabus outlined the accelerated ARG homeporting schedule, with the USS New York (LPD) arriving in Mayport ahead of schedule in the last quarter of 2013, and the Large Deck Amphibious Assault Ship USS Iwo Jima (LHD) and the Amphibious Dock Landing Ship Fort McHenry (LSD) arriving in 2014. Mabus had earlier this year announced that the ARG would arrive no later than 2015.

“My fight continues for all parts of the Mayport equation, including the future homeporting of a nuclear aircraft carrier, destroyers, patrol craft, and littoral combat ships. In the meantime, America’s national security and the First Coast win today,” said Crenshaw. “A new vessel containing steel from the Twin Towers, the USS New York reminds us that freedom deserves protection at all costs. She will be a proud addition as she serves Mayport’s mission to protect our national security at home and abroad. Moreover, her move to Mayport will expand our region’s broad Navy family, bringing new sailors and their families and giving our industrial base the opportunity to put its expertise on display once again.”

“I look forward to process repeating itself when the remaining two vessels - a Large Deck Amphibious Assault Ship and an Amphibious Dock Landing Ship - make their move to Mayport,” said Crenshaw. “The First Coast remains an unshakable anchor to our national security today as it will in generations to come.”

EDITOR’S NOTE: Additional information on Crenshaw’s national defense record can be found at www.crenshaw.house.gov.
