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NBC News

 -  Público
100 days after Hurricane #Sandy , the Jersey Shore slowly recovers

Shuttered and silent, the Jersey Shore in winter is supposed to be bleak, but today, paused between storm and summer, 100 days after Hurricane Sandy and 110 days until Memorial Day, the shore remains a mournful place — struggling not to be.

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Photo: Andrew Mills / The Star-Ledger
4 comentarios
Abdellah Ramram
very true but hopefully tomorrow will be great for them all.
Sarah Jerome
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Brian Schatz

 -  Público
Center NYC Affairs (@CenterNYC) #NYCHA Chair Rhea on #Sandy: Vulnerability of physical structures was much higher than anticipated. 2x #NYCHA bldgs affected than thought.
Twitter / CenterNYC: @NYCHA Chair Rhea on #Sandy: ... »
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W 13th St, New York, New York
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NBC News

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Weary Sandy survivors hunker down for storm: Like a repeat ‘nightmare’

As millions of Americans braced for a winter storm bearing down on the Northeast on Friday, people still recovering from Hurricane Sandy stood in line at gas stations to buy fuel and stocked up on wood for the fireplace. It was, one man lamented, “like a nightmare of Sandy all over.”

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Photo: John Makely / NBC News

#NBCNewsStorm   #HurricaneSandy   #Sandy  
Sara Gerhold
May God be with all of you
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 -  Público
Have you seen the @NYPHotoFestival entries for the #sandy exhibition? We are doing the printing! Great imagery!
NYPH Presents: "Devastation, Document, Drive" a photo competition to benefit artists affected by Superstorm Sandy | Entries »
The guard. Sarah Mayo, Systematic Collapse Sarah Mayo, Melted Childhood Sarah Mayo, Sunset On The Boardwalk Shameel Arafin. Jehovah Jehovah's Witness Volunteers in Broad Channel Shameel Arafin, A Clow...
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#FEMA allows private companies to administer flood insurance programs, and Senator Charles Schumer wants them to do it more rapidly. Little more than half of #Sandy flood claims have been taken care of:
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NBC News

 -  Público
House votes to expand borrowing authority for #Sandy  flood claims

Responding to the insurance claims of property owners hit by last October’s super-storm Sandy, the House voted Friday to approve $9.7 billion in additional borrowing authority for the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) which covers property owners in flood-prone areas.

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Photo: Seth Wenig / AP
4 comentarios
Dorie Moynihan
bailout for insurance companies. Isn't it enough to just piss you off
Kelly Patrick
why do we continue to encourage building in "flood prone areas" that seems counter-intuitive.
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Lockton UK

 -  Público
#Lockton report reveals what catastrophe models didn't show about #Superstorm #Sandy thanks for sharing @PRNewswire
Lockton Report Reveals What Catastrophe Models Didn't Show About Superstorm SandyLockton Report Reveals What Catastrophe Models Didn't Show About Superstorm Sandy »
Lockton Report Reveals What Catastrophe Models Didn't Show About Superstorm Sandy. Thorough Analysis Can Better Protect Insureds from Storms Like Sandy.
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One of our Brownsville Partnership team members, Bryan Woll, wrote this great piece for the Jesuit Volunteer Corps Magazine about his post-Sandy experience working with public housing residents. Check it out! 

#sandy   #sandyrelief   #Brownsville   #Brooklyn   #nyc  
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NBC News

 -  Público
Airport runway becomes parking lot for Sandy-damaged vehicles

Tens of thousands of vehicles damaged by super storm #Sandy  are being temporarily stored on runways and taxiways at Calverton Executive Airpark in Calverton, N.Y..

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Photo: Stan Honda / AFP - Getty Images
16 comentarios
Amro Muhamed
I want to put a bomb there to see what will happen?
Emma Stephanie Moreno
what are they going to do with them?
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#Occupy and #Sandy Storm Recovery Resources --

Occupy Wall Street & have teamed up with – a people-powered disaster relief platform – to help coordinate response to Hurricane Sandy in NYC. At we are launching support pages where people can GIVE help or post a NEED. For ongoing updates and info about this evolving relief effort, and to find out how you can help, be sure to sign up and stay informed at the Occupy Sandy Hub!

Occupy Sandy Relief NYC FB --
Occupy The Polls
Organizers are using the Twitter hashtags  #SandyAid  and #SandyVolunteer  
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Tim Buckley

 -  Público
#Sandy  re-assessed to be a category 3 hurricane at peak status per NHC assessment:
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So apparently Bill Nye is quite the Science Guy, but failed his meteorology classes... #Sandy   #blizzard2013   
Bill Nye “the science guy” fumbles storm explainer »
To educate viewers on the science of the recent mega-blizzard that socked New England, MSNBC’s Craig Melvin brought onto his program noted “science guy” Bill Nye . What followed was the one of the mo...
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Hours before one of the largest storms on record makes landfall in southern New Jersey on Monday evening, Hurricane #Sandy was speeding up and lashing the East Coast, pushing floodwaters in low-lying areas from Maryland to New York, bringing transportation systems to a halt and snapping electrical connections. For more photos:
13 comentarios
wow omg
Jared Hermosillo
Thats so horrible 
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Hurricane #Sandy final report from the NHC.  Was NOT a hurricane/tropical storm at landfall.  Also the peak intensity was increased to a category 3 hurricane.
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NBC News

 -  Público
A stunning new image from space shows superstorm #Sandy, now a post-tropical cyclone, still churning over the eastern United States on Tuesday. NOAA's GOES-13 weather satellite captured the photo of the storm moving inland at 6:02 a.m. EDT.

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See the latest on Sandy in our live blog:
20 comentarios
Leo Fox
But try telling that to the sceptics +Vishal Bhargava.
Jair Espino
Looks like the storm that hit New York from the movie The Day After Tomorrow
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Jammin Jo

 -  Público
Please Still Keep #Sandy Peeps in Your Thoughts this #HolidaySeason !:) 

Watch This #Cool #WNBC #News #Video on the #Inspiring "Yellow Team" of #StatenIsland founded by Farid Kader!:)  They have Done So Much for the Homeowners who fell into Sandy's Path...Go Team Yellow!!!:)!/on-air/as-seen-on/Bonds-Forged-on-Staten-Island-During-Sandy-Recovery/180632521 … 

Please Watch and Feel Free to Give Farid a "Shout Out" over on Twitter:)

Click here to Follow Farid on #Twitter :

#Thanks So Much and #Rock On!!!:) 

#NYC #NY #Christmas  
Bonds Forged on Staten Island During Sandy Recovery »
The young and old on Staten Island are coming together as the recovery from Hurricane Sandy creates new bonds and friendships. Senior Correspondent Gabe Pressman reports
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