
Rep. Steve Pearce reflects on the 113th Congress Speaker Vote

NMStevePearceNMStevePearce·137 videos
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Published on Jan 3, 2013

On January 3, 2013, Rep. Steve Pearce (NM_02) reflects on his vote for Rep. Cantor as Speaker of the House for the 113th Congress.

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  • yorksoo2012

    You are still blowing smoke Mr. Pearce. You tried to get rid of Social Security back in 2005. You are no friend of seniors. And you joined the rest of the Republican nutcases in voting 33 times to repeal Obamacare (an exercise of spite and a waste of time). BUT you did not champion the Violence Against Women Act, which has now expired.


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  • Mel M

    Thanks for the vote to remove Rep NoBrainer from his seat. Go Tea Party.


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  • Caterina Platt

    God bless you, Congressman Pearce. I believe what is going to rebuild our economy will be based largely in our natural resources and energy industry. We can't compete with 0.10/hr wages, nor do we want to. The service economy silliness didn't work either. Natural gas and oil, and retaining what we can of the rare earth minerals mining. Keep up the good fight, sir. We're behind you.


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