Short Biography

Occupation: Congressman representing the 11th District, CA. Elected in November, 1974.

Committee Assignments:

Ranking Democrat, House Education and Labor Committee;

Chairman, House Democratic Policy Committee

Birthday: May 17, 1945

Place of Birth: Richmond, CA

Hometown: Martinez, CA

Relationship Status: Married, two children, six grandchildren

Religion: Roman Catholic

Hobbies: Reading, hiking in Yosemite, listening to music

Recent Achievements:

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010)

Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act (2010)

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act (2009)

George Miller first ran for office because he had a sense of urgency to serve people and his country.  And today he continues to believe that the test for elected officials is whether they get up every day with that sense of urgency and drive to get things done.  He recognizes the solemn responsibility and enormous opportunity he has to help strengthen and grow America’s middle class families by improving the economy and creating good jobs, ensuring access to affordable health care, making college more affordable, improving public schools, protecting our children, and keeping our environment and water supplies clean and secure. 

George believes America must honor its commitment to our service men and women and veterans, that seniors deserve affordable services and that we must protect Medicare and Social Security. He works hard at his job because there is so much at stake. His goal is to give voice to the people in his community over the powerful interests that dominate our political system and to help ensure that his constituents and people across California have the opportunity to reach their full potential.