Congressman Michael Turner | Proudly Serving Ohio's 10th District


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VA Dental Clinic Press Conference
Jun 29, 2011  - Coverage of my press conference where I gave the Grater Dayton Area Hospital Association more uncovered documents from the Veterans Administration regarding the Dental Clinic at the Dayton VA. Watch

House Oversight Hearing about the GM Bailout and the Delphi Pensions
Jun 27, 2011  - My questions for White House senior manufacturing adviser, Ron Bloom, about the GM Bailout and Delphi pensions. Watch

Announcement of Service Academy Appointees
Jun 9, 2011  - My press conference where I recognized the 11 students from the 3rd District who have received appointments to a United States Service Academy. Watch

My Discussion About My Libya Resolution on FOX Business with Lou Dobbs
Jun 3, 2011  - On Thursday June 2nd, I introduced a House Resolution disapproving of U.S. military action in Libya. This is my appearance on FOX Business discussing Libya and what's at stake in the days ahead. Watch

My Comments at the House VA Committee Hearing
May 4, 2011  - Asking Dr. Robert Petzel, VA Undersecretary for Health, questions regarding the investigation surrounding the events at the Dayton VA Medical Center Dental Clinic. Watch

Meet me in Washington with Amy Radachi
Apr 26, 2011  - My interview of Amy Radachi, President and CEO of Rebuilding Together Watch

Questioning Secretary Gates on Military Options in Libya
Apr 1, 2011  - Questioning Secretary Gates on Military Options in Libya Watch

Highlighting the Role of Narcotics in Insurgent Funding at Petraeus Hearing
Mar 21, 2011  - At a February 16th hearing of the House Armed Services Committee, I highlighted the role of narcotics in funding the Taliban and questioned Gen. David Petraeus about ISAF efforts to eliminate poppy production and trade in Afghanistan. Watch

Press Conference After Meeting with the Dayton VA
Mar 16, 2011  - My press conference with the Chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee, Jeff Miller, after our meeting with the leadership of the Dayton VA Medica Center regarding the investigation surrounding the events at their Dental Clinic. Watch

Speaking out Against the Home Affordable Modification Program
Feb 1, 2011  - Speaking out against the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) and its effects on communities and neighborhoods in Ohio's Third District. These remarks were made at a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing, with testimony from Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset R... Watch

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