The Serrano Report, Vol. IX, #21

Dec 21, 2012 Issues: Environment, Health, Hunger

On Capitol Hill

Serrano Calls for Stricter Gun Control

This week, Congressman Serrano joined with other parents around the nation in calling for an overhaul of the nation’s gun control laws. In the wake of the recent mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, Congressman Serrano said that there “can no longer be silence and passivity in the face of the ongoing gun violence in our nation.”

“Like the rest of the country, I spent the weekend mourning the loss of innocent lives in Newtown on Friday,” said Serrano. “First and foremost, our hearts go out to the families who lost loved ones there. This senseless act that robbed them of their family members – especially their children – has no place in a civilized society. Our nation mourns with them in this time of grief.

“As I reflected on this senseless tragedy over the weekend, there was really only one conclusion that came to me; guns are designed for killing and must be treated as such. Over the past decade, we have tried the pro-gun lobby's preferred policy of inaction on gun regulation. It is clear that this policy has failed our children and our nation. We must now begin the national conversation on how to limit guns in such a way that our children and communities are safe from these horrors. There cannot be any other end result.

“Our nation has grown weary of mourning the victims of these horrific acts. We cannot sit idly by any longer. I look forward to working with my colleagues to pass sensible gun regulations that keep our children safe. We must end this violence.”

Serrano Joins 82 House Democrats to Urge Administration Not to Raise the Medicare Eligibility Age

Last week, Congressman Serrano joined with 82 other House Democrats in sending a letter that urged the White House to reject House Republican efforts to raise the Medicare eligibility age during ongoing debt negotiations.

“As our nation faces the fiscal cliff, Republicans have again demanded unpopular cuts that disproportionately hurt working families and retirees who have earned their retirement benefits,” Serrano said. “The Administration should reject the Republicans’ proposal of accepting minimal tax hikes for millionaires in exchange for substantial changes to Medicare that make our elderly less secure.”

“President Obama ran on an explicit promise to raise tax rates on the wealthy, and he won,” Serrano added. “In my mind, the Republicans should accept the will of the American people and stop their obstructionism and demands for cuts to vital programs. Our nation’s fiscal future and the well-being of our seniors should not be held hostage by rigid and destructive anti-tax ideology. I know President Obama will hold firm, and this letter shows that House Democrats stand with him.”

Click here to read the full letter

Increased Food Bank Funding in Sandy Bill Vital Say Representatives

Late last week, Congressman Serrano sent a letter also signed by several other Members of Congress calling for increased funding for The Emergency Food Assistance Program in the Hurricane Sandy supplemental appropriations package. This program funds the purchase of commodities that are distributed by food banks and soup kitchens, which have been under significant strain since the hurricane.

“As we clean up from Hurricane Sandy, we must ensure that the organizations that have been at the front lines of dealing with this disaster are fully supported,” said Serrano. “My colleagues and I believe that one of the top priorities is ensuring that the people left without resources have food and shelter during the time it takes to rebuild and reconstruct. Among the most vital links in the chain of support for these people are the food banks, which provide food and other services. By sending this letter to the Appropriations Committee we are signaling that these organizations are priority responders and deserve full support. I am certain that we will see a positive outcome for these important organizations, just like we will see a positive outcome for the people that they serve.”

Click here to read the full letter

In the Bronx

Serrano Announces Grant for Morris Heights Health Center

On Thursday, Congressman Serrano announced that the Bronx-based Morris Heights Health Center had been given a $500,000 grant to build more school-based health centers. With this grant Morris Heights Health Center will increase their presence to 16 Bronx schools, serving thousands of students.

“The work that the Morris Heights Health Center does is legendary in the Bronx,” said Serrano. “Over the years this organization has helped so many people and treated health disorders that would have otherwise gone untreated. Announcing this grant is a true pleasure, because I know that it will enable MHHC to do more of their work, and improve the health of more people. Most importantly, the new centers will be based in schools—serving our children. There is no better use of government funds than ensuring that our children get the health care that they need. I applaud the work that MHHC is doing, and look forward to hearing about their future successes.

“We are delighted to have this award enabling us to expand our integrated medical, social and mental health services to two additional schools,” said Verona Greenland, President and CEO of the Morris Heights Health Center. “Having these vital school-based programs creates ease of access to care, minimizes school absences, and reduces disruptions in parents’ work life. Equally important is the creation of healthy minds so that our children can remain in school, learn, thrive, and become healthy and powerful adults.”

Morris Heights Health Center was awarded $500,000 to establish two School Based Health Centers at PS 109 located at 1771 Popham Avenue and Mott Hall High School Campus at 250 E 164th Street. Funds were made available through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) grants program.

PS 109 serves 860 students in grades K through 5.  The work at PS 109 will involve a complete renovation of the current space to convert it into a state-of-the-art clinic with three exam rooms and spaces for social work services, health education and group counseling as well as a waiting area and bathroom facilities.

The Mott Hall High School Campus houses three schools: Grant Elementary School (grades K-5); Science and Technology Academy (grades 6-8); and Bronx Early College Academy (grades 9-12).  All together the schools serve over 1,100 students.  The work at the Mott Hall Campus will involve renovating the current space allocated for the clinic and converting it into a state-of-the-art health care center with three exam rooms, an office for social services, a waiting area and a bathroom.


Environmental Fellowships

Deadline: February 8, 2013

The Environmental Protection Agency recently announced the application process for its 2013 National Network for Environmental Management Studies Fellowship Program. The purpose of the program is to increase awareness about environmental issues, provide students with research opportunities, and to encourage students to pursue environmental careers. Undergraduate and graduate students are both encouraged to apply.

Please view the announcement on the EPA's website for more information.

For more information about other federal grants please visit