Heck Supports National Defense Authorization Conference Report

Dec 20, 2012 Issues: Defense and National Security, Veterans

Legislation provides critical resources for national defense, troops and their families, protects veteran, retiree benefits

WASHINGTON - As Congress continues work on critical items before the end of the  year, Congressman Joe Heck (NV-03) today voted in favor of the conference report for the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2013. The NDAA for fiscal year (FY) 2013 provides the necessary authorities and funding to our nation's military, maintains our country's commitment to our troops and their family members, and prepares our military to face threats in an increasingly dangerous world. The House of Representatives passed their version of the NDAA in May and the Senate passed their bill in December, with the differences between the two being worked out in this week's conference committee.

"As an Army Reservist and a Member of Congress, I take very seriously the commitments we have made to our service members, their families, veterans, and military retirees and this legislation is the key part of upholding those commitments," Rep. Heck said. "The National Defense Authorization Act for 2013 provides necessary funding to ensure our service members standing their post around the globe have the tools and resources they need to complete their mission and protect our national security interests."

Rep. Heck continued, "In addition to the funding in the bill, the NDAA for 2013 contains provisions that demonstrate our flexibility in responding to the ever-changing threats we face abroad. By imposing reporting requirements for 'green on blue' attacks and enhancing vetting practices for the Afghan Public Protection Force, this bill takes necessary steps to ensuring our service members on the ground in Afghanistan are not put at risk by training and patrolling with our Afghan partners. This bill also correctly asserts that we should be prepared to take all necessary steps and continue to enforce sanctions to prevent Iran from obtaining the capabilities to produce a nuclear weapon."  

Rep. Heck concluded, "By clarifying existing constitutional protections against the unlawful detention of U.S. citizens and stating that no person detained in the United States shall be denied the right to stand before a judge to determine if they have been unlawfully detained, this bill upholds the constitutional rights of our citizens without jeopardizing national security."
