Congressman Heck Statement on the Status of Fiscal Cliff Negotiations

WASHINGTON - Congressman Joe Heck (NV-03) today released the following statement on the status of the fiscal cliff negotiations.

“Without Congressional action, every Nevada family and small business will see a tax increase in 2013. I remain committed to a solution that protects as many Nevadans as possible from seeing an automatic tax increase, takes serious and necessary steps towards reducing our unsustainable spending, and addresses the long-term drivers of our debt. The House has passed several pieces of legislation over the last few months, which I supported, that would extend current tax rates for all Nevadans and replace the economically harmful sequester with common sense spending cuts. I am optimistic that the President, Senate Democrats, and the House can work together to reach a deal before the new year.”

Background Information:

Extension of current rates

On August 1, the House passed H.R. 8, the Job Protection and Recession Prevention Act of 2012 (roll call 545). H.R. 8 would extend current tax rates for all Americans for one year. Congressman Heck supported this legislation when it passed the House.

Sequester replacement

On May 10, the House passed H.R. 5652, the Sequester Replacement Reconciliation Act of 2012  (roll call 247). H.R. 5652 replaced the first year of the sequester, which would harm national security and hurt our economy, with common sense reforms to government’s unsustainable spending. Congressman Heck supported this legislation when it passed the House.
