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July/August 2011
Ray Lovell's F&SF Bibliography 1949–1999
Notice for Subscribers to the Print Edition of F&SF
Women Writing Science Fiction
Some Voices from the Trenches by Susan Elizabeth Lyons
12:01 P.M. by Richard A. Lupoff is reprinted from the December 1973 issue of F&SF.
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The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, founded in 1949, is the award-winning SF magazine which is the original publisher of SF classics like Stephen King's Dark Tower, Daniel Keyes's Flowers for Algernon, and Walter M. Miller's A Canticle for Leibowitz. Each double-sized bimonthly issue offers:
compelling short fiction by writers such as Ray Bradbury, Ursula K. Le Guin, Terry Bisson and many others;
the science fiction field's most respected and outspoken opinions on Books, Films and Science;
humor from our cartoonists and writers.

We offer a secure server which will allow you to purchase a one or a two year subscription for yourself or a one year subscription as a gift for someone else, both by credit card (Visa or Mastercard). If you prefer PayPal, both subscription offers can be purchased that way along with selected back issues.

Gordon Van Gelder has put together theme anthologies culled from the pages of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. Copies, signed by the Editor, are available by either choosing the PayPal buttons or by using your credit card on our secure server.

We're trying an audio edition of F&SF again. (We had one briefly about seven years ago.) We've teamed up with the folks at Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic and we're running a test by selling the July/August 2010 issue at If the results are good, we'll begin publishing audio editions regularly—and we'll make them available on CD also. If you know anyone who likes science fiction in audio form, be sure to let them know about this test issue.

Our Jan/Feb issue includes Richard A. Lupoff's "12:02 PM," the sequel to a story we published in our Dec. 1973 issue. That story will be reissued soon in The Book of Time from Surinam Turtle Press, but Mr. Lupoff was kind enough to grant us the right to reprint it here.

In addition to our fiction, each issue features:
book reviews by Charles de Lint, Elizabeth Hand, James Sallis and Michelle West
Curiosities which looks at odd books of enduring interest
humor by Paul Di Filippo and film commentary by Kathi Maio or Lucius Shepard
You can find a full list on our Departments page where there are links to all of our online material.

If you have a question about the magazine, we have provided links to a number of information pages.

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Locus Cover Order the full interview of Gordon Van Gelder in Locus postage free (save $2.00) or completely free with a subscription! GVG Photo

F&SF Electronic
You can get a digital version of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. Copies are available at:
Sony Reader Store
Available Format: Sony Reader
PC Digital Audio: PocketPC models, Apple iPod, Audible Otis, Rio players, Iomega HipZip, Visor with AudibleAdvisor, Digisette Duo-Aria MP3 player, Franklin eBookman PDA, Palm OS5 handhelds, Mac (Mac OS X and iTunes3) Digital Audio: Apple iPod, Audible Otis

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