Congressman Jeff Duncan Issues Statement on His Opposition of ‘Plan B’ Fiscal Cliff Measure

Dec 26, 2012 Issues: Spending Cuts and Debt

Washington, DC—South Carolina Congressman Jeff Duncan issued the following statement on opposing the ‘Plan B’ fiscal cliff measure:

“I came to Washington to fight for all taxpayers - not to give into the politics of division and envy. Conservatives were elected to cut spending and shrink the size and scope of government, not to give politicians more money to spend when they haven't addressed the level of spending that necessitates government's borrowing money to pay for irresponsible spending addictions.”

“We all should be supporting solutions that solve our debt problem, and raising taxes is not a solution. We’re not $16 trillion in debt because we tax Americans too little; we're $16 trillion in debt because we spend too much money.  The failure to address spending cuts in the areas that drive up our deficits does nothing to lessen the burdens being passed on to future generations.”
