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  • Shimkus Votes to Make Most Bush Tax Cuts Permanent

    Congressman John Shimkus (R, Illinois-19) voted late New Year's Day to extend most of the tax rates that he first voted for under President George W. Bush. The package cut tax rates that went up January 1, 2013, and extended the farm bill.

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  • Shimkus Visits with Local Company Fighting Government Mandate on Religious Grounds

    "That has reared its head in a federal government mandate forcing businesses and religious institutions to violate their conscience, for example, by having to pay for abortion-inducing drugs. I applaud Korte & Luitjohan for filing a lawsuit and wish them

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  • Shimkus Salutes Madison County

    Congressman John Shimkus (R, Illinois-19) recognized Madison County, Illinois, on the occasion of its bicentennial by entering a statement into the permanent record of the United States House of Representatives.

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  • Shimkus Condemns Attacks in Egypt, Libya

    "My thoughts and prayers go out to the family, friends, and coworkers of Ambassador Stevens and the three Americans killed in Libya. They represented the freedom of America in a very turbulent region of the world."

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