Black Opposes Senate Deal that Fails to Cut Spending

Washington, DC – Congressman Diane Black (R-TN) today released the following statement regarding her vote against the fiscal cliff deal crafted by the Senate.

“The Senate’s last minute so-called fiscal cliff deal cobbled together behind closed doors sadly underscores much of what is wrong in Washington. This deal completely disregards the root of our fiscal problem: out of control spending. While I strongly support the permanent extension of middle class tax relief, this legislation unfortunately allows taxes to go up on many families and small businesses and kicks the can down the road on deficit reduction. Ultimately, the bad outweighs the good, and therefore, I could not in good conscience vote for a deal that fails to address America’s crippling levels of debt – the single biggest threat to our way of life and the future prosperity and stability of our nation. The legislation is so unserious about solving our fiscal challenges that it not only delays the across-the-board sequester cuts, but it also includes outrageous special interest carve outs for Hollywood, NASCAR, rum producers, and algae growers.

“While the Senate waited until 2am on New Year’s Day to take action on the fiscal cliff, the House already passed legislation several months ago that would stop the income tax hikes for all Americans and replaced the defense sequester with responsible cuts and reforms. With my support, the House has also passed $6 trillion in spending cuts, entitlement reforms, and a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. In contrast, the President and the Democrat leaders in the Senate have spent their time demanding job-killing tax hikes, objecting to common sense fiscal restraint, and shirking from their legal responsibility to pass an annual budget,” said Congressman Black.


Release: Black Votes to Stop the Tax Hike on All Americans (8/1/12)

Release: Black: President Obama Shirks Responsibility, Taxpayers and Troops Deserve Answers (7/18/12)

Release: Congressman Black Blasts President Obama’s Plan to Raise Taxes (7/9/12)