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News: Afghan police forces make big strides in security for eastern provinces

Story by Staff Sgt. Fritz ButacSmall RSS IconSubscriptions Icon Subscribe To This Journalist

BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan – Afghan National Security Forces have shown their proficiency and effectiveness in recent weeks throughout eastern Afghanistan.

Throughout the region, the Afghan Local Police, Afghan National Police and Afghan Uniformed Police deterred insurgent activity, prevented potential casualties from improvised explosive devices, and worked directly with their coalition special operations forces counterparts to build trust and confidence with village elders and citizens.

In response to recent demonstrations throughout Afghanistan, ALP took the lead in providing security for the local populace.
In the Goshta district, the ALP commander informed coalition forces in the area that a crowd had gathered at the district center to express their dissatisfaction of the accidental burning of a Koran at Parwan district’s Bagram Air Base. The ALP independently provided security for the crowd throughout the demonstration, which ended peacefully and without incident.

“The ALP have been very proactive these last few weeks; especially last week,” said Lt. Col. William Linn, Special Operations Task Force-East commander. “Their professionalism and commitment for providing security for their fellow Afghan citizens make them a powerful and credible security force in their local villages.”

In Nangarhar province, ALP candidates called on the AUP for assistance after finding a command-wired improvised explosive device in Narang district. After ALP and AUP secured the area, an ANP explosive ordinance unit arrived to assist their fellow ANSF partners and safely destroy the IED.

“The combined effort to safely destroy the IED, shows the confidence the ANSF have in each other,” said a coalition special operations forces team member. “More importantly, it demonstrates the commitment of the Afghan government to provide security.”

ANP in Paktika province successfully conducted a tactical call-out at a local residence where an insurgent leader was believed to be hiding. The Afghan male identified himself and turned himself in to the ANP without incident.

“Not only did the ANP detain [the suspect], but they did so peacefully; which is a great indication of their competence,” said a coalition special operations forces adviser.

Lastly, ANP in Paktika province also trained local ALP in Bermel district to reinforce tactics, techniques, and procedures on escalation of force and defending checkpoints; further demonstrating the cohesion of the ANSF.

In Wardak province, an ALP ceremony will take place next week in order to demobilize the Afghan Public Protection Program. The ceremony will recognize the hard work and dedication of the Afghan Public Protection Program members and legitimize ALP as the official ANSF program for the local populace. Afghan National Army recruits will also conduct a job fair after the ALP ceremony, providing continued opportunity for service in the ANSF.

Afghan media is scheduled to attend the ceremony to highlight the progress of the ALP in the province and allow senior government officials to publicly voice their praise for the ALP and other ANSF operating in eastern Afghanistan.

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Date Taken:03.05.2012

Date Posted:03.05.2012 04:20


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