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  1. America's Social Security crisis by RepSamJohnson
  2. 2Johnson wants better protection of taxpayer dol... by RepSamJohnson
  3. 3Stop the tax hikes by RepSamJohnson
  4. 4Stop the tax hikes by RepSamJohnson
  5. 5Obama's disregard for the rule of law by RepSamJohnson
  6. 6Sam Johnson opposes tax increase to pay for the... by RepSamJohnson
  7. 7Sam Johnson's bill to save $7.6 billion by RepSamJohnson
  8. 8Way to go Plano High Schools! by RepSamJohnson
  9. 9Soaring Gas Prices by RepSamJohnson
  10. 10Johnson Stands Up For Freedom and Liberty by RepSamJohnson
  11. 11State of the Union Response by RepSamJohnson
  12. 12Balanced Budget Amendment by RepSamJohnson
  13. 13Keeping IDs Safe by RepSamJohnson
  14. 14Sam Johnson "can't wait" for the President and ... by RepSamJohnson
  15. 15Honoring the Prestonwood Pregnancy Center by RepSamJohnson
  16. 16Son of Stimulus by RepSamJohnson
  17. 17Save Billions by Stopping the Tax Credit for Il... by RepSamJohnson
  18. 18Rep. Sam Johnson Speaking about the Debt Ceiling by RepSamJohnson
  19. 19Go Mavs! by RepSamJohnson
  20. 20Congressman Sam Johnson introducing Pastor Jack... by RepSamJohnson
  21. 21Pastor Jack Graham opening the US House of Repr... by RepSamJohnson
  22. 22Tax Fairness by RepSamJohnson
  23. 23It's the Spending, Stupid by RepSamJohnson
  24. 24Easing the Pain at the Pump by RepSamJohnson
  25. 25Repeal the Burdensome 1099 Rule by RepSamJohnson
  26. 26In Honor of Freedom by RepSamJohnson
  27. 27Cut Spending! by RepSamJohnson
  28. 28Repeal Obamacare by RepSamJohnson
  29. 29Vote NO on the biggest tax hike in history by RepSamJohnson
  30. 30Protecting Small Businesses from Tax Hikes by RepSamJohnson
  31. 31Watch your Wallet by RepSamJohnson
  32. 32Tax Hikes by RepSamJohnson
  33. 33Hat's off to TX-03!! by RepSamJohnson
  34. 34Budget by RepSamJohnson
  35. 35Don't Hike Taxes by RepSamJohnson
  36. 36GDP Growing Democrats' Programs by RepSamJohnson
  37. 37Enough is enough! by RepSamJohnson
  38. 3863 % favor repeal of govt run healthcare by RepSamJohnson
  39. 39Eliminate the foreign debt threat by RepSamJohnson
  40. 40Dread the Red! by RepSamJohnson
  41. 41Sam Johnson calls for a return to respect for t... by RepSamJohnson
  42. 42Recession proof your finances by RepSamJohnson
  43. 43Sam Johnson condemns bailout culture by RepSamJohnson
  44. 44Cell phone floor statement by RepSamJohnson
  45. 45Sam Johnson calls for tax fairness/ Accepts Tax... by RepSamJohnson
  46. 46Sam Johnson supports Lone Star state's lawsuit ... by RepSamJohnson
  47. 47Johnson demands freedom from the govt. forcing ... by RepSamJohnson
  48. 48Sam Johnson blasts bypassing a floor vote to pa... by RepSamJohnson
  49. 49It's time for an up or down vote on Health Care by RepSamJohnson
  50. 50The American people don't want a government tak... by RepSamJohnson
  51. 51Get the government out of the business of runni... by RepSamJohnson
  52. 52Johnson: The American people arent buying Demo... by RepSamJohnson
  53. 53Its the spending, stupid! by RepSamJohnson
  54. 54Vote against Pelosi's Washington takeover of he... by RepSamJohnson
  55. 55The American people deserve some answers: Wher... by RepSamJohnson
  56. 56What happens when you try and run a War from th... by RepSamJohnson
  57. 57Celebrating Kathleen Hodges and Veterans Day by RepSamJohnson
  58. 58Protecting America from Terrorist .mp4 by RepSamJohnson
  59. 59Sam Johnson weighs in on the trillion dollar go... by RepSamJohnson
  60. 60Seniors lose in heath care take over by RepSamJohnson
  61. 61Sam speaks out against Pelosis government run b... by RepSamJohnson
  62. 62Lets Fight to Win! by RepSamJohnson
  63. 63Stand Strong for Freedom by RepSamJohnson
  64. 64Rein in the czars! by RepSamJohnson
  65. 65Texas-sized health care solutions by RepSamJohnson
  66. 66"I stand in support of freedom of speech." by RepSamJohnson
  67. 67Sam Johnson on abortion by RepSamJohnson
  68. 68Johnson on Health Czar by RepSamJohnson
  69. 69"Move forward with real health care reform." by RepSamJohnson
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America's Social Security crisis

RepSamJohnsonRepSamJohnson·69 videos
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Published on Nov 30, 2012

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  • MrFreedomsox

    You tell em' Sam!


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