
Recent Start-up Articles

Why You Should Hire 'Athletes'

We call them athletes, because they can tackle any position. And they're the best type of employees you can hire at a start-up. Here's why.  Read more

Baffled By Big Data? Use 'Small' Data Instead

Warby Parker co-founder Neil Blumenthal recently explained why most start-ups should forget much buzzed about big data and focus on plain, old data instead.  Read more

10 Start-up Mistakes to Avoid in the New Year

From failing to supervise the sales team to being just a little too feedback-happy, these young entrepreneurs learned some tough lessons about running a star...  Read more

Who Knew Coupons Were So Lucrative?

Coupons don't sound like an exciting business. But is getting another look, hitting the $1 billion valuation mark this summer.  Read more

A High Tech Start-up Eyes Broadway

One of New York's hottest shows is also a small business. Here's how iLuminate came to wow audiences during the holidays.  Read more

Saving Your Way to Success: Why You Can't Do It

It's hard to invest when the economy is poor. But that's exactly when you need to do it.  Read more

You Control the Fate of Business in 2013

Stop hiding behind taxes and the government. All it takes is one simple choice to keep business moving this year.  Read more

Why Brainstorming Doesn't Spark Innovation

Traditional methods of generating innovative ideas--like brainstorming--are badly out of step with current neuroscience, according to a Columbia professor.  Read more

A Billion Dollars, Through Acquisitions and Perseverance

Patrick Grady, founder and chairman of Rearden Commerce, talks about his company's $1 billion valuation.  Read more

Convert Community Goodwill Into Cash

You've worked hard to build your company's reputation in the local community. Convert that goodwill to real value as you prepare to sell your business.  Read more