Free Audio of The Glenn Beck Program available on TheBlaze Radio
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Featured Stories

  • Why do school shootings happen?

    Why do school shootings happen?

  • Al-Jazeera buys progressive network

    Al-Jazeera buys progressive network

  • Watch Glenn's full opening monologue!

    Watch Glenn's full opening monologue!

  • The root causes of gun violence

    Why do school shootings happen? Glenn spoke with the founder of "killology" Dave Grossman about video games, school shootings, and the roots of gun violence.
  • Did Glenn try to buy Current TV?

    Al-Jazeera buys progressive network Wall Street Journal reveals that TheBlaze attempted to buy Current TV late last year to replace it with TheBlaze TV in homes across the country.
  • Why?

    Watch Glenn's full opening monologue! What is the secret to Glenn's success? He explains the importance of "The Why" and how it's the key to finding real answers and solutions. Watch the full monologue.