Jan 3, 2013 4:58pm

Classic Biden on Display at Senate Mock Swearing-In

Vice President Joe Biden turned on the charm and amped up the wit at the Senate mock swearing-in today, schmoozing with senators’ moms, doling out dating advice to one senator’s granddaughter and offering some workout help to one new senator’s family member.

As senators brought their families up to take photos with the vice president, Biden would always single out the mothers, directly calling them “Mom,” embracing them as he said hello and touching some of their faces.

When he greeted the mother of Sen. Deb Fischer, R-Neb., he told her, “You’ve got beautiful eyes, mom.”

“Mom, I’ll see you in a little bit,” Biden said to the mother of Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., as she walked away. “I hope I’ll sneak over and see you.”

While Biden hugged the mother of Sen. John Barrasso,  the Wyoming GOP senator made a joking dig at the vice president, telling him, “She liked [Dick] Cheney better, she told me.”

But while he seemed to flirt with the senators’ mothers, he gave strict advice to the young women in the mix of family members, telling the granddaughter of Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, “No serious guys until you’re 30.”

While there was a lull in the photo-ops, Biden turned to the crowd and joked, “Anybody else want to be sworn in as a senator today?”

Then came Biden’s odd jokes, like when he teased the husband of  newly sworn-in Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D.

“Spread your legs.  You’re going to be frisked,” Biden said to Heitkamp’s husband as he was being asked to put his hands at his side for the mock swearing-in.

And when Biden greeted the family of newly appointed Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., he singled out one of Scott’s family members for his athletic prowess.

“If you ever need any help on your pecs, let me know,” Biden said.


User Comments

Classic? I call it disgusting and sexist. Funny how the so called party for women continue to treat them like the good old boys mentality as second class citizens.

Posted by: Jake | January 3, 2013, 7:07 pm 7:07 pm

What an humiliation for our country. A clown as VP. Sexually harassing female senior citizens. Hands off dirty old man.

Posted by: Karen | January 3, 2013, 7:41 pm 7:41 pm

Another dirty old man making sick overtures toward women. So disgusting! And I’m sure that he sneered just like a hyena. That’s his usual repulsive style.

Posted by: Francis | January 3, 2013, 9:09 pm 9:09 pm

Oh, get over yourselves. He’s a funny, charming man. You don’t become a politician by being a stick in the mud with no sense of humor.

Posted by: JerzBearz | January 4, 2013, 10:28 am 10:28 am

If Biden were Republican, the headlines would be, “The war continues on women! VP makes lewd comments to new Senate members.”

Posted by: wheresmymoney | January 4, 2013, 11:20 am 11:20 am

“Oh, get over yourselves.” So being a Democrat makes it ok for him to do this??? How ridiculous! He’s an animal!

Posted by: Francis | January 4, 2013, 1:38 pm 1:38 pm

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