Posted by Whitney Thompson on December 31, 2012
Dr. Burgess appeared on Fox News' Fox and Friends to discuss the 2013 tax hike that will take place as a result of President Obama's health care law, the Affordable Care Act. You can watch the video below.

Posted by Whitney Thompson on December 31, 2012
Dr. Burgess appeared on CNN to discuss the fiscal cliff deadline which is midnight today, December 31, 2012. You can watch the video below.

Posted by Whitney Thompson on December 31, 2012
Dr. Burgess appeared on CNBC Closing Bell to discuss the latest developments on the fiscal cliff. You can watch the video below.

Posted by Whitney Thompson on December 30, 2012
Dr. Burgess spoke on the House Floor on the crisis our country is facing, the deficit. You can watch the video below.

Posted by Whitney Thompson on December 28, 2012
Dr. Burgess appeared on Fox Business and spoke with Tom Sullivan about the fiscal cliff. You can watch the video below.

Posted by Whitney Thompson on December 26, 2012
Dr. Burgess appeared on Fox Business and spoke with Gerri Willis about the approaching fiscal cliff. You can watch the video below.

Posted by Meredith Smiley on December 21, 2012
Dr. Burgess appeared on CNN to discuss the latest developments on the pulled vote for Plan B. You can watch the video below.

Posted by Meredith Smiley on December 21, 2012
Dr. Burgess and Congressman Steven Lynch appeared on CNBC to discuss the latest developments on the Plan B tax plan. You can watch the video below.

Posted by on December 20, 2012
It’s been three months since the attack on the Benghazi consulate that claimed four American lives, including the life of Ambassador Stevens. Since the attack I have pressed the State Department and the Obama Administration for answers. Earlier this week, they finally provided limited information on what happened. An independent panel concluded that there was “grossly inadequate” security at the compound. The report also concluded that the State Department displayed a “lack of proactive leadership” and that there was a “lack of ownership of Benghazi’s security issues.”  As a result, four lower level State Department officials have been relieved of their duties. 

To read the unclassified report click here

Posted by Whitney Thompson on December 17, 2012
Dr. Burgess appeared on Fox Business to discuss the latest developments on the fiscal cliff. You can watch the video below.