Your YouTube original videos now available in Google Takeout

Wednesday, September 26, 2012 | 2:39 PM

Your Takeout menu is growing.  Today's entrée:  YouTube videos.

Previously, you've been able to download individual transcoded videos from your YouTube Video Manager.  But starting today, you also have a more efficient way to download your videos from YouTube. With Google Takeout, you can download all of the original videos that you have uploaded in a few simple clicks.  No transcoding or transformation -- you’ll get exactly the same videos that you first uploaded.  Your videos in.  Your videos out.

Posted by Brian Hawkins, YouTube Engineer and Data Liberator.


Alexandre Alapetite said...

Very good! It would be nice if this could be extended to videos uploaded to Google+ / Picasa Web.

MkoEC said...

What about the video copyrights? It's legal?

Mark Jaquith said...

MkoEC — you get your videos only, not anyone's videos.

Elijah Lynn said...

This is fantastic news, it would also be great if we can cherry pick individual uploads through the YouTube interface.

Until then I welcome this entrée to Google Takeout!

jessie mac said...

After uploading the O2 Installer video, I took at look at the O2 related videos stats and was amazed to see that there were 20 subscribers with about 12,000 views of O2 related videos.
Get Youtube Views

Lionidas-design said...

I am of the same opinion as you do, if you consider that the man can say the same respect as you

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