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Reg Watch Update

Regulations and the 112th Congress:
Restoring the regulatory oversight power of the House 

A study by Lafayette College professors Nicole V. Crain and W. Mark Crain for the federal government – entitled “The Impact of Regulatory Costs on Small Firms,” and commissioned by the Small Business Administration – found that in 2010, the cost of compliance with federal regulations, per employee, increased as the size of a firm diminished. Thus a company with more than 500 employees, according to the Crains’ research, paid $7,755 per employee to keep up with federal regulations, while a firm with fewer than 20 workers paid $10,585 per employee to do the same.

244 Days:      Since Obama’s Executive Order on Regulations
70 Days:        Since Obama’s Executive Order on Regulations for                           Independent Agencies
1 Rule:           Repealed this year – spilled milk not considered an oil spill
443 Rules:      Regulations deemed significant under Executive Order 12866
$79.4B:          Cost of regulatory burdens from new rules for the year
57,896 Pages: Pages of regulations in the Federal Register so far this year 80.8 Million:   Hours of annual paperwork burden


USA Today: GOP sharpens little-used ‘legislative veto’ tool, (Monday, September 19, 2011)
Republican members of Congress looking to kill what they call "job-killing regulations" already have a ready-made tool at their disposal — but Congress has used it to overturn just one regulation in 15 years.

Fox News: Regulation Nation: As Firms Grow, Regs Follow, (Friday, September 16, 2011)
In his yearly report, Ten Thousand Commandments: An Annual Snapshot of the Federal Regulatory State, C. Wayne Crews of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank in Washington, identified 845 rules and regulations proposed in 2010 and expected to affect small businesses – up from 758 the year before, and 753 in 2008.

Reuters: US airlines say pilot fatigue rule would cost jobs, (Friday, September 16, 2011)
Big U.S. airlines told the Obama administration on Thursday complying with a regulation in the works to combat pilot fatigue would cost $2 billion a year and over time cut 27,000 jobs directly tied to the industry.

Houston Chronicle: Texas power company sues over new EPA rules, (Monday, September 12, 2011)
The closings will reduce power capacity by 1,300 megawatts and cause the loss of about 500 jobs, the company said.


Rep. Carter introduces the Regulation Moratorium Act of 2011 (H.R. 1235)

Rep. Scott’s bill to protect American jobs passes the House (H.R. 2587)

Rep. Pompeo introduces a bill to block the EPA’s Student “Environmental Justice” Agenda (H.R. 2876)

Rep. Terry introduces the Employment Impact Act (H.R. 2204)



After rushing to finalize “Net Neutrality” regulations last December, nine months later, the Office of Management and Budget has cleared the way for the regulations to go into the Federal Register. The rule will regulate the internet for the first time in history, and places government as the gatekeeper of internet services.  On Friday April 8, 2011, the House passed H.J. Res. 37, sponsored by Rep. Greg Walden of Oregon, by a vote of 240-179.  Now that the final rule will be published in the Federal Register, the resolution can be brought to the floor of the Senate for a vote with the signatures of 30 Senators after 20 calendar days in a Senate committee.  If passed in the Senate, the resolution will be sent to President Obama’s desk and he will be held directly accountable for a job killing regulation issued by his administration

Casey Hogan
– Regulations Legislative Assistant
John Stone
– Communications
(202) 225-3864  |