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Fiscal Irresponsibility

-- Randy’s Roundup --

A Weekly Newsletter from Congressman Randy Neugebauer

February 23, 2009

Fiscal Irresponsibility

Two weeks ago, the House rushed through passage of a 1,073-page spending bill with a total price tag, with interest, over $1.1 trillion dollars.  I voted against the so-called economic stimulus package because I believed the legislation was flawed.

Now Congress is getting ready to spend more.  This week the House will consider a $410 billion spending that completes the unfinished business of setting 2009 spending levels for government programs.  The problem with this bill is that it increases spending by 8 percent, or $32 billion, beyond what was spent on these programs in 2008.  Many of these programs are “double-dipping” for 2009 because the stimulus bill already included more money for them.

When the projected 2009 deficit is expected to hit $1.2 trillion, when spending has been increased in the economic stimulus bill and when the federal government is spending $700 billion on the financial bailout, why should Congress further increase spending?

We cannot continue down this path of fiscal recklessness. I urge my colleagues in Congress to abandon this so-called “omnibus” bill and instead pass clean legislation that at least holds spending for these programs at the 2008 level.

Congress owes it to the American people to keep Washington fiscally responsible. We must work together to create positive solutions that reign in spending and reverse the debt burden on our children and grandchildren.  Holding this spending to last year’s level is the minimal first step we should take.

President Obama’s Housing Plan

Last week, I was glad to see President Obama presented more information about his housing plan to the American people. However, I remain concerned that the government could be rewarding borrowers and lenders who made poor decisions at the expense of families who chose to live within their means.

I will be working in the House Financial Services Committee and with President Obama on solutions to help put housing back on track without asking those who are paying their mortgage to pay their neighbor’s mortgage as well.

District Wrap-Up

Last week, I traveled around the 19th Congressional District speaking with many small business employers and employees.  During my travels, I heard many of your concerns regarding the current state of our financial markets and the economy. 

We all agree these are tough times, but I am confident our economy can regain its strength.  The hard work, innovation and confidence of workers and employers in our area can do a lot to help our economy grow.   They are a great example of what I mean when I talk about empowerment.


As always, when events unfold in Washington, I will be sure to update you. In the meantime, do not hesitate to visit my website or call my office toll free district wide at (888) 763-1611 or my Washington, DC office at 202-225-4005.