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Thursday, January 03, 2013
December 14, 2011 Congressman Camp discusses recent job creating legislation.
Congressman Camp on WJR's Frank Beckmann show to discuss Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act. The act passed the House with bipartisan support later that day.


November 9, 2011 Camp comments on our current economic situation
Camp delivers remarks on visits with local businesses looking to expand, the Joint Select Committee, and his recent draft tax reform proposal.


October 31, 2011 Camp reflects on recent legislative actions on Michigan Matters
Camp delivers a legislative update in Midland's WMPX studio on the trade agreements, joint select committee,the repeal of the 1099 forms, and tax reform proposals.


September 11, 2011 Camp Reflects on 9/11
Camp recently spoke to Lauren Mitchell of WMPX about 9/11.


July 14, 2011 Camp Speaks about the Joint Tax Hearing, FairTax Hearing and Debt Negotiations
Camp recently spoke to Lauren Mitchell about the Joint Tax Hearing held with Democratic U.S. Max Baucus, upcoming tax hearing that may include the FairTax and debt negotiations.


July 11, 2011 Camp talks Debt Ceiling with WJR's Frank Beckmann
Rep. Dave Camp discusses the tax reform before tax increases, the need to create jobs and the debt limit. ”


June 20, 2011 Part two of Rep. Camp's appearance on WMPX's Michigan Matters


June 17, 2011 Camp on WMPX’s Michigan Matters Part 1
Rep. Dave Camp Discusses the president’s performance, 28 months of high unemployment, and his use of American resources in Libya "Let his record speak for itself.”


December 16, 2010 - Rep. Camp Talks Spending Cuts on NPR's Morning Edition
Rep. Dave Camp Discusses Spending Cuts, and Prioritizing Tax Reform: "I think we have to reform our complex, burdensome tax code," he said. "It's 10 times the size of the Bible with none of the good news."


November 12, 2010 - Rep. Camp on Marketplace Morning Report
Rep. Dave Camp Discusses the Debt Commission's Preliminary Recommendations, and Preventing Massive Tax Increases


March 1, 2010 - Rep. Dave Camp Discusses the Health Care Summit.
U.S. Rep. Dave Camp speaks with Brian & The Judge on Fox News Radio about the results of the health care summit with President Obama.


January 14, 2010 - Rep. Dave Camp: Tax Increases in 2009, Tax Outlook for 2010.
U.S. Rep. Dave Camp speaks with the Tax Foundation about 2009's major tax hikes, as well as pending tax proposals and what to expect in 2010.


May 21, 2009 - Camp Discusses Cap-and-Tax.
U.S. Rep. Dave Camp discusses the Democrats' cap-and-tax bill and Republican alternatives, including a more comprehensive approach that won't tax every American, with other Midwest GOP members, including Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN), Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN), Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI), Rep. Robert Latta (R-OH), and Rep. Patrick Tiberi (R-OH).


Mar 19, 2009 - Camp Conversation with MI Watchdog.
U.S. Rep. Dave Camp speaks on a wide range of issues with Andrew MacDonald of MI Watchdog.


March 25, 2009 - Camp Response to the President's Weekly Radio Address.
U.S. Rep. Dave Camp delivers weekly Republican radio address.
