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$100 Billion Mark

In November the American people told us they were ready.  They were ready for their elected officials to have some backbone and make hard choices in cutting government spending.  Over the past two weeks, that is exactly what the freshman members fought for – immediately cutting government spending by $100 billion.

85 freshman Republicans were elected to stand on the values of fiscal responsibility and to make sure that the voices of their constituents are heard loud and clear in Washington.  With the help of leadership and the Appropriations Committee, a Continuing Resolution (CR) was introduced that cuts a full $100 billion from President Obama’s fiscal year 2011 request -$100 billion as promised to the American people in the Pledge to America. 

This is the first time since WWII that Congress has actually cut spending from the previous year, and the largest package of spending cuts in the history of our country.

America has reached the very top of a mountain- a mountain of debt and deficits - a mountain that hinders job creators and economic growth.  I am committed wholeheartedly to enacting serious changes and have all the confidence and faith that America is strong enough to begin the descent.

Now, I know these cuts will be felt.  They run deep and will hit home to many agencies and citizens in north Mississippi.  But now is the time to reign in the excessive spending and answer the call that the American people demanded. 

Over the last few years, families and businesses have been making difficult decisions.  The State of Mississippi as well as local governments are making these same difficult choices.  However, the federal government has been ignoring the tough choices.  If we are to preserve for future generations the freedoms and liberties that our country has enjoyed, then it begins by cutting $100 billion immediately. 

With God as our guide down this mountain, our nation will be led with a fair and steady hand.  America will be rewarded for making challenging decisions.

Last week, we voted on a resolution that will require committees to review federal agency rules and regulations that unfairly harm the ability to create jobs and grow our economy.  While in the district, I had a small business owner tell me, “If I have to work to pay the government, then I might as well close my doors.”  That hurts.  Small businesses are being strangled by federal rules and regulations.

The Small Business Administration states that the average small business with less than 20 employees faces over $10,000 in federal regulations per employee each year.  If small businesses can reinvest these costs back into their business, they can create jobs. Small businesses are the job creators and the engine that help drive our economy. 

The bureaucrats have been taking advantage of our small businesses.  As Americans are struggling to make ends meet, the costs of imposed rules and regulations have never been more significant.   Obamacare alone added 6,123 pages of regulations.  More government red tape only increases the cost of doing business and destroys jobs. 

February 14th, President Obama submitted a budget for 2012 that spends too much, taxes too much and borrows too much.  This week the House will vote on the Continuing Resolution to fund the government for the remaining seven months of fiscal year 2011. If you didn’t think we were serious about cutting spending, think again.  We have only just begun.