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NUNNELEE: House Passes Third Bill to Increase American Energy


NEWS RELEASE – May 12, 2011 

NUNNELEE: House Passes Third Bill to Increase American Energy Production

Three measures combined will help create 1.2 million jobs long-term

(Washington, D.C.) – Today H.R. 1231, The Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act, passed in the House of Representatives.  Congressman Nunnelee (R-Miss) is a cosponsor of the legislation which would lift the President’s ban on new offshore drilling by requiring the Administration to move forward on American energy production in areas containing the most oil and natural gas resources. 

“When President Obama took office, the Atlantic Coast, Pacific Coast and areas in Alaska were open for new offshore drilling,” said Nunnelee.  “Now, the President’s actions have placed the entire region off-limits to future energy production.  This bill will implement a smart drilling plan by requiring the Administration to move forward with lease sales in the areas with the most oil and natural gas reserves.”

“The House has now passed three key energy initiatives that will remove the Obama Administration’s roadblocks to more American made energy.  These bills combined could create upwards of 1.2 million jobs and generate revenue that our nation needs.  It is my hope that the Senate will listen to the American public, consider, and pass these three pieces of legislation that will put an end to the high gas prices that are straining budgets and compromising our energy security,” concluded Nunnelee.

Nunnelee is a member of the House Energy Action Team (HEAT).  HEAT consists of a committed group of House members that promote Republican energy policies that will address rising energy prices, create thousands of good jobs and enhance our national security by promoting energy independence for America. 

For more information on The Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act and the House Republicans’ American Energy Initiative, click here.

Congressman Alan Nunnelee represents Mississippi’s First Congressional District and serves on the House Appropriations Committee.  This is his first term.

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